Play with More Friends with Cross-Faction Guilds

I hope Blizz took into account all the players who are going to be faction swapping on Tuesday and that they don’t get booted from their current Guilds and need to be re-invited. Not a disaster but it would be very annoying.

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That’s not the point of this change. This will allow the use of Guild chat, Calendar and the Guild Bank which are big QoL changes.

I agree that it would have been great to allow us to queue for things like Timewalking together or group up in the open world but hopefully that’s next.

It’s a great idea, but I don’t think it’s being executed well. All of the current limitations are the exact same as a battle-net friend/community. Access to gbank is “meh” imo because you can currently freely send items/gold to your cross-faction alts (which was a wonderful change as well).

I just feel its being marketed/presented into a way that’s appealing to get that burst of faction swap money, yet being vague and questions unanswered of possible future shared queueable content.

How so? Are we not still fighting things? Since when does war = faction vs. faction.

You’ll still be able to murderhobo, you can still participate in PvP, BGs and Arenas aren’t going anywhere. You’ll still be able to kill the opposite faction if that’s what you want, and the faction cities will stay faction exclusive. War isn’t going anywhere in Azeroth.

Hopefully they’ll fix that soon (fingers crossed). Although I stocked up about a month ago on faction changes when they were on sale for bulk prices. Been saving them for this!

It seems to be more so friends from opposite factions can somewhat play together. They will share the same guild bank.

But the capital city restrictions haven’t been lifted, so you stupid Gnomes and abominable creation Mechagnomes won’t be muddling up my Orgrimmar.

Just tested this, doesn’t work, had to have another guildie invite, also, if you role a second account to do invites, you need separate bnet, because a shared bnet doesn’t count as being bnet friends or being in the same community.

Being in the same Cross Faction Community works fine. I used an alt on my 2nd account to invite alts.

Really good addition, just need to be able to que together and actually be able to heal them open world (WM off at least).


So that’s it Warcraft is now dead.

How? Horde has been curb stopped in every single war but sure I guess

Population numbers. Who cares about the story lol.

How did you screw it up so bad that they have to be added to a community or by id? I’d love to hear the devs actually provide feedback considering it’s been over 5 years since we’ve asked them to fix the guild permissions that they screwed up and have refused to since they acknowledged they did that too.

It’s bad enough you go from /g to /s and they dunno wtf you’re on about unless you both speak furblog panda or elf.

I guess all that’s left is to just hope they host mandatory guild meetings in the original faction’s capital cities more often.

Sheesh! This is absolutely ridiculous for Blizzard Devs to not include this feature in the new update. I love WoW, but real, meaningful progress to make the game truly fun without the ridiculous restrictions, would make WoW truly awesome! It’s 2023 BLIZZARD! Wake up already! Blizz Devs can do so much better than this. Much love to all! :slight_smile:


" * Players must be friends or part of the same community to invite or receive an invitation to an opposite-faction guild on the same realm."
This is kind of a pain when inviting my own alts. I am GM of an Alliance guild on Kul Tiras and I can’t find it in Guild Finder on my Horde characters. Am I not a “ friend” of myself? Shouldn’t guild invites and recruitment function as normal? What is the purpose behind this restriction?


This is a very good guide to use.

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Why cant guild leaders change faction? Or even hand the guild off to a player of the opposite faction? Can’t the guild just change faction also?

This is so disappointing on so many levels. How am I going to play with more friends if I can’t queue and play together outside of the instances, and I can’t even be invited to a guild if I don’t have a friend on Bnet to invite me? What is the purpose of joining the same guild with all these restrictions? Doing m+ and raid together was already possible before that, so in practice nothing has changed.


Victory for Sylvanas!

Guild finder should just be cross faction, I don’t really care about the rest.

Global chat in capitals should also be shared