Play too many toons, ... take a break to ask a question... browse the forum.s.. and get in trouble?

Anyone else play many toons… edit: end up having some questions … need a break and come out to the forums for some answers (my searches end up on necro posts…sorry) or I browse the General forums for interesting things TO ME… and just end up on the wrong side of the ‘forum’… this never existed in my life just few years ago… trying to get used to this.

I don’t understand your question.


Drunk three in the morning rambling thread.


Well how fun and shaming are you!

I’m confused.


Life today is so upside down and confusing than it has ever been. So yes! Agree.

I like cats!

And alts.

And Palia.


Me: play many toons

Also me: come to the forums for some answers

But me: never ending on the wrong side of the forum

Yep, definitely a three in the morning, drunk off the chair thread.

This seems to be my life. Even when I try not be.

I fail at foruming. lol

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I guess the forums deem you the BETTER person … and edit (I) must be flawed. But, I don’t think so. I come from a different world or dimension, it’s almost like that. Where you had latitude and a wide world of acceptance of many thoughts. I knew that world.

Me too, but that’s not how I spell paella.


So I am just a bit offended. You are calling me ‘drunk’ because I am assuming you don’t like what I am saying. Seriously, this is like defamation?

Me too


Wait, are you the guy out here at 3 in the morning ‘drunk’ out here? I am just a night owl! And the world outside is quiet.

No one can decipher that indiscriminate text.

Sue me then.

I’ll reply with one of your own quotes:

Smiley face, I am thinking you might be someone who is ‘drunk’ looking for another late night ‘poster’ you thin might be what you are?
But, I won’t just name/shame call I am just asking questions. I see a pattern of ‘name/shame’ calling from people who just can’t or don’t know how to respond to comments they don’t like. I love to talk and correspond. I just don’t like being called names or be shamed for what you don’t even know about me? Right? How about you?

Yep, you’re one of those “lovable drunks” who get all friendly with people when under the influence.


Shame is all you know. But your behavior won’t be ‘censored’ right… only any thing I say. Entrapment right! That is what you do? just asking/

damn girl.