Play-style difference of the healers

Never healed and decided it’s time. It’s sad but I know nothing of the play-styles of each spec and what really sets each of the healers apart. Like what makes them different and appealing in their way.

Any sites or videos or info you might have or even some feedback would be great. Plan on pushing mid to mid-high Keys but not much harder.

Shamans excel at clustered AOE healing (when everyone is grouped up). Druids focus on HOT’s. Paladins excel at healing one at a time. Obviously everyone has some tools for every occasion.

Monks and disc priests focus more on healing by doing damage. Holy is kind of a jack of all trades.

I haven’t healed enough on evoker to know how well they work.

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That actually does make sense. Thanks.

Why is it almost exclusively druids at the highest ranks of M+? Is it their entire toolbelt that makes them so valuable? They just flat out heal more?

They’re better at AOE healing when people are spread out, whereas other classes (especially shamans) do better when people are clustered. It makes sense to learn about the different styles to understand which one you’d prefer to play. But I ignore the “meta”. I don’t care what other people are playing. I play what I want to play.


priest have 2 diff heals, more fun with the same class

Druid is pretty fun; it’s mainly hots. It’s not exactly your holy priest or restro shaman. Though it is pretty similar to rsham to an extent.

Honestly, I’m not too sure myself, but I can say our heals are pretty powerful. We have an AOE heal which is wild growth and convoke, which IMO are pretty powerful to use if used properly.

Yeah. That is pretty cool. Plus the coolest transmogs.

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Mark of the Wild is very powerful, and they bring Battle Rez. That’s a solid 90% of the reason they get picked for high keys right now.

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Dps difference. Druids can deploy their backup dancers (grove guardians) to do the healing while they go into catform and do massive dps

I always thought Disc Priest and FW Monk are higher… no? Heck, even Shaman?

Disc damage is mid. Holy pumps way harder than Disc rn.

Druid is a ramp healer. They have to build up to there max healing. They can be very strong but can easily have trouble with spike damage.

Shaman is considered the beginner friendly healer. Very simple to understand, shaman also has reincarnation in case you accidently die. Its a type of cheat death I suppose.

Holy priest has a lot of high output healing. Great healer as far as I’ve seen and they get spirit of redemption. After you die you gain a bit longer to keep the party healed up.

Disc priest-is all about shielding your party. You put a shield on someone and then do dps. The dps refills the shield. This is considered a more complicated healer for this reason. Disc has a similar problem as druid in the fact that they struggle a bit with high spike damage.

Monk-fistweaving is the current popular thing with mist monk right now. Basically you heal within melee range.

Holy paladin- paladins have a lot of utility outside of healing. Most of there healing is just the standard reactive stuff.

Preservation evoker-they are mid range so closer than ranged classes but further than melee. It is real easy to screw up positioning on an evoker in the early days of playing. But if you master there strange range than you can do just as good of healing as anyone else.

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Rdruid trumps all in terms of st and aoe burst potential and has the most windows for dps uptime thanks to grove guardians and being able to set up a tank pre pull.

It IS actually easier to get good damage out of rsham and mw, but when a meta develops you never settle for what’s “good” when something else is great.

Hpriest actually has high damage potential too, but they seem to suffer from being marshmellows at high keys, similar story with disc but with less damage and less squish.

Paladins dont squish, but their damage has been banished to the shadowlands along with kaelthas’ great hair for their sins. (being too good for too long)

Evokers can pump damage too, but they have fewer windows to dps full out. I rarely even see them this season.

I feel that druid is the best healer for you to get into right now, especially if you are pugging. Don’t even think about dpsing while you are just getting into healing as a druid though, add that when you are much more comfortable with the primary healer jobs. Probably add in moonfire and sunfire on aoe first, then cat weaving on bosses.

Range limitations and community perception are really holding prevoker back. They’re very strong in every healing metric and have great damage but they’re in a place where you can get similar performance out of classes that you don’t have to play around so people really aren’t playing them unless they’re absolutely in love with the spec itself.

Couple that with Aug being Aug and Devastation getting pretty good this season, and Prevoker numbers are just super low across the board.

Find a playstyle you enjoy and play that. Ignore the meta. It’s a game, not a spreadsheet.


I mean, that is EXACTLY what he is asking bro lol…He is asking play styles so he can decide.

Yeah, I was just thinking prev’s access to a bleed clear must be super strong this season, it is a bit of a shame there arent more of then playing. On the average I still detest augs since I don’t play at a level where they do a lot, but the general evoker kit is still cool.

I’d definitely watch some videos about the healing specs, or the ones that interest you the most.

Just like playing any other role, just be sure it’s something you’re going to enjoy. For instance, I love my Disc Priest, whereas my friend who’s been healing since forever loves Holy and hates Disc.

Each one has their gimmicks, ups and downs, etc. Just unfortunate there’s no way to really “test” a healer, since doing low level dungeons while healing is just a joke.

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It’s worth mentioning both Resto Druid and Discipline require some degree of ramping (knowing when the big hits happen and preparing for the damage ahead of time). If you play either spec, you should familiarise yourself with major encounter mechanics that chunk your party’s HP so you know when to prep.