Play Nice Play Fair is dead

Lets be honest. This game has been taken over by organized premades, communities, mafias. If you’re not in one then you’re screwed. If you’re in one then you have to listen to a bunch of psychos and crazies, but if you fall out of line then you’re kicked, ostracised, and put on a widely spread organized kill list or black list.

It’s not just pvp. It’s Pve too. Its been this way for a long time now.


not far from the truth


You’re not wrong.
It’s all a game of who you know, and who they know.
It’s crazy how deep some of it goes, and all for a ‘casual’ game mode.


battlegrounds as a whole seems broken this expac. exploiting has gotten out of hand. As a casual pvper you almost cannot get any legit games anymore, it didn’t used to be like this. If you aren’t in a premade it’s almost guaranteed you will lose every game you queue for, games are over the second the gates open. If blizz doesn’t do something this game mode will actually die for real, not fearmongering youtube type of “games dead lol” but for real literally no one playing it dead.


If we get to that point, it’ll be pretty much just premade vs premade like the party limit doesn’t matter. In my opinion, the current situation is not ideal and it will get worse.


having been the receiving end of this from two horde communities for the better part of a year now, i can assure you its not fun.


Sorry to hear that. But very curious what happened and what was it like for you to be targeted like that by these communities. Only if you are comfortable to share…

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I’m gearing up a disc priest for pvp and my plan is to gear up via wpvp. You get 100 bloody stones per wq and 1k for the weekly that you can finish digging dirt. Wpvp gear has ilvl 636. This way I can skip doing bgs vs premades for 626 gear.

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YES, But Bgs were fun… with precise objectives. TOO bad they are taken over. Fail BLizz

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You realize there are no legitimate games when Blitz queues don’t accept you 6 times in a row and in the games there is always an afk or a player who doesn’t even have a trace of being a real human playing.

Some of the best fun I’ve had in casual wow pvp was the levelling bracket before max level in SL. I don’t know what they did for that but it was FUN! Anyone else recall that?

I used to enjoy just levelling alts via bgs but the gear disparity & twinks in these brackets now spoils the fun. I feel bad for anyone checking out pvp for the first time in any of these lower brackets. These levelling brackets should be a level playing field to encourage new & casual players to stick around. My 2 cents! :wave:

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The few alts that I had back then were mostly pve leveled but would pvp from 51-59. The bracket was surprisingly balanced and was a decent alternative if you were burnt out from your main having to grind rating, legendaries, and the umpteen dozen other systems SL had.


Aye :100:!! I had an alt army I slowly enjoyed via levelling in that bracket. Good stuff. Fun for both sides. Most games felt pretty even. Unrated pvp should feel like that imho.

you’re in the 70 twink com im in.
you know damn well how fair it is.

How many games do u see me playing? Lol

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If it was somewhat a level playing field it would be more fun for both sides but ofc ppl gotta buy green tww gear. Oh well.

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you got me there. i haven’t really played mine in a few weeks either que times too long.

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I played some games when tww came out. Thought it might be a nice way to avoid the prime time epic premade bonanza. I lost interest pretty quick. I was shalom/torah in the 50 pvp bracket. Were u also in there? /wave

oprah/homelander etc

I remember those names! You played with SoD in Shadowlands I believe?