"Play another class" -Dev response

yo I recently put in a ticket to talk to a gm about possibly getting a revert change for druids ‘Skullbash’ rune. and the response i got was not surprising. Everyone talks about how the Dev’s dont play the game or know whats going on, well here we are boys. While i enjoy pvping on feral in bg’s with the boy’s, i now since the change have to choose between running either ‘Mangle’ which is one of my main damaging abilities or i get ‘Skullbash’. For pvp this is a really big issue, seeing as pretty much every other class has a silence / kick ability. Yes, i understand ferals can pshift to bear run away 8 yd’s and charge back. but that right there is the issue. i only have so much mana to be able to shift for things. so back to my original statement, the devs dont know whats going on. i dont mean to be rude but this is the game we all pay for and deserve devs that know whats going on. Not only did they tell me to play a different class, they also linked me a cata forum post about feral druid?

This is the response that i recieved after asking for the change for druid’s ‘Skullbash’ rune.

Hello, It’s a pleasure to speak to you today. This is Game Master Ahierixati Welcome to Blizzard.

I understand you are reaching out as you want to revert to the druid rune 'Skull bash to the legs rune.I will be happy to help.

After checking your ticket, Feral Druids excel at having sustained spread pressure. With great mobility, they are able to keep their bleed damage on multiple targets. You will focus on maximizing damage and relentlessly focusing down an enemy as much as possible.Druids have always been about using all their talents and shapeshift doing so. Deep feral was never a PvP spec and shouldnt be - you should play Warri or Rogue if you want to face tank people in PvP.

There is no refund in Wow Classic For more information on this, please visit our wow head https://www.wowhead.com/cata/forums/topic/feral-weapon-swap-for-pvp-avoiding-the-gcd-163349 Please get in touch if you have any other questions or concerns.

We value each interaction with you. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧♥ Have a great day! GM Ahierixati


yeah for pvp bear I now run lacerate and skullbash. unfortunately cats can’t run skullbash anymore. Which one on hand makes sense since only bear could feral charge to begin with and it’s pretty much just a better feral charge.

It does suck that we’re where we are though. Cat kind of suffered here so that bear could go to a better place.

First, a GM isn’t a dev.

Second, ‘play another class’ is great advice to people whining about their class.


“it’s really hard to go in and edit damage % numbers in code” - Devs


To be honest, that sounds suspiciously like a ChatGPT response, which should surprise me, but somehow it doesn’t lol.


Dude literally just typed “tell me vanilla feral druid strengths and weaknesses” into chatgpt and copied the reply verbatim :rofl:

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not only did this not happen, you wasted all of our time by posting this.


My hunter has no interrupt. Feels bad man.

I am horrified that this is your resposne to asking a GM to switch a rune. GMs are not involved with that kind of decision making process. It’s the DEV team you need to get in touch with, GMs are literally just people in an office dealing with bots, helping with immediate bugs, confirming returns, and dealing with things in the game as it stands.

Them even answering your ticket of gameplay feedback through their bug report system is well over beyond what they do.

If you are not enjoying the game as your old preferred method, maybe trying out a different aspect of the game is the right decision. You then coming on and publicly shaming a person who has, so long as this isn’t an edited version of what they posted, a reasonable response, they’ve done their job and get off their back.

Tldr: You’re lame for posting this, and should consider unironically removing this thread.


Tldr;Tldr: He’s lame.

I think it is funny you think that wasn’t an AI generated response…

Feral is the worse pvp spec in the game. You should be Oomkin or Resto.

Feral is bad, but 10X better than it used to be.

Can someone explain why you’d need mangle in pvp?

I would think the fact you can’t reliably shred, and targets dying to your bleeds too fast for them to matter would make mangle kind of weak for pvp.

You can still feral charge, manage your mana. Every class doesn’t need multiple interrupts at little to no cost, that’s how you get retail. Even Paladins have to choose losing damage or getting rebuke as well.

Its the worse spec in game right now, it was never the worse but close.

10x better in sod isnt saying much.

Ferals dont kill people with bleeds lol

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There is 0% chance a GM said to play another class and use the phrase “face tank”. At least make your lies believable.

Weird a GM just messaged me and said “Ferals suck lol go play retail”. Prove he didn’t.


This part cracked me up. Really?

The rest is QQ from a sock puppet.

And the GM’s real name? Albert Einstein.

Did you just assume my gender?

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