Hi everyone,
Hoping someone here will be able to help. I have been using the a Weakaura during S1 of TWW that puts some text above key mobs saying “Focus up” as a reminder to set one of those mobs as focus of interrupts. When you focus the mob it will also set an icon to it so it is very handy in a group for splitting up who does which interrupt etc.
My issue is that when I updated my addons recently this Weakaura has stopped working and through some testing I found out that Plater is the cause (when I disable Plater the WA works and I can see the Focus up text) but I have no idea why this is happening, so I am hoping someone can guide me in the right direction please.
[WeakAura for Reference]
M+ Focus Up!
Using Plater and the Weakaura I would see “Focus up” text above key mobs in a dungeon
Using Plater stops the Weakaura text from appearing
Thank you.