Plater stopping a Weakaura from working

Hi everyone,

Hoping someone here will be able to help. I have been using the a Weakaura during S1 of TWW that puts some text above key mobs saying “Focus up” as a reminder to set one of those mobs as focus of interrupts. When you focus the mob it will also set an icon to it so it is very handy in a group for splitting up who does which interrupt etc.

My issue is that when I updated my addons recently this Weakaura has stopped working and through some testing I found out that Plater is the cause (when I disable Plater the WA works and I can see the Focus up text) but I have no idea why this is happening, so I am hoping someone can guide me in the right direction please.

[WeakAura for Reference]
M+ Focus Up!

Using Plater and the Weakaura I would see “Focus up” text above key mobs in a dungeon

Using Plater stops the Weakaura text from appearing

Thank you.

Grab BugSack & BugGrabber, see if any errors are being triggered.

Ask in the Plater Discord:
Ask in the WeakAuras Discord:

Thank you. I will give your suggestions a try.

I used the addons but no error was getting generated so I went on the Plater discord and asked. I got help from one person who said it seems like a WA issue with the anchoring so I looked around the config again and disabled the “Set Parent to Anchor” which ended up solving the issue.

It seems at some point recently either WA or Plater has or maybe even wow has changed how the nameplates are handled when changed with Plater or something… anyway if anyone else has this issue hopefully the above solution works for you.