Plater help please

I am having an issue with some nameplates not showing while in combat. I thought I had it set to show all enemies in combat, but apparently, I do not. I am not sure what setting I need to check and fix. Does anyone know?

It is only in dungeons. So when tank pulls I am not seeing whatever is pulled show to be in combat.

So right now, quest name plates show and in active combat with me if I attack. If in a group I do not see the plates until I attack.

Options > Interface > Always Show Nameplates

Is that my only choice though? I really like it to only show what is in combat or as a quest.

I guess in groups I will just have to show everything not just what is active?

There’s a difference between names and nameplates. Nameplates aren’t filtered like names are (though Plater can probably customize it further).

The name settings are Options > Interface > NPC Names

Ok thanks. I will try this. I noticed it also does not show other names if I don’t hit them or until they hit me.

For example, if I attack 1 creature in a pack only it will get the plate to show not the others with it. The others won’t show a plate until they hit me- only their name. Then I get the bar for the plate after they hit me. So it is only their name until they hit me and then I get the bar.

I love having just the name and no bar if not in combat, I just need this one little change for everything that is in combat to show the bar just not what I hit.

I hope that is making sense!