Hi I´m planning to play with a friend and I have a few questions.
He is more interested in questing rather than playing max level. If he downloads the game but not the war within, can he play until level 70 only adding game time?.
Does he have to play through dragonflight to learn dragon riding? are dragonriding mounts still able to carry a passenger? do I have to speak to a npc to be able to carry him?
Can he subscribe and immediately cancel it for 1 month or he has to wait a certain time to cancel his subscription?
what type of end game activity can he do at level 70? maybe pvp (but I don´t know if there will be enogh people at those level doing pvp?
I was thinking that maybe classic is the best place for him, but we don´t have enough time to play and I´ve always seen classic player being hardcore or with too much time to play. I see classic is currently on cataclism, can he play on wrath or he has to play on cataclism? in case that he can play on wrath, is the population healthy on that expansion? will he have people to play with?
I really want him to play retail because it has more content for casual players but I can´t convince so far.
Thanks in advance