The Siren Isle rares Plank-Master Bluebelly and Chef Chum Platter that spawn during pirate weeks are not allowing global tags. This is identical to the issue I reported last week with Coralweaver Calliso. Coralweaver Calliso rare not properly allowing unlimited tags
Simply awful testing.
Why is this so difficult? Surely you guys have templates for rares with the global tag flags enabled.
Why are we yet again forgetting to do this?
tbh between this, and the other bugs on the isle it just feels to me like Blizzard is trying to artificially inflate some playtime.
Faction locked rares were a thing of the past. i thought so anyway.
They aren’t faction locked they are 5-man locked.
Or, or, crazy thought, programming is difficult and humans make mistakes.
when the code for eash rare should be almost 100% the same it just shows had bad they are.
make all rares not faction locked and not X number of people locked, easy
Better not to say anything when you don’t know what you’re talking about, especially if you’re just going to lash out at people’s hard work
20+ years of development means that mistakes should be getting more and more rare. Let’s please just stop with the white-knight-shilling. We’re calling out the fact that this is a STUPID mistake to be making when the content was PTR tested and the issue was reported then too.
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as i said, when the could shot be the same when making rares they SHOULDNT have bugs like this
However simple you think coding is, I can guarantee you it isn’t. And even if it is, have you never made a typo before? Have you never dropped something? Missed an important detail? These developers are humans like you and me. They have lives, they have feelings, they have existences independent of yours. They are human beings, human beings make mistakes.
It wouldnt be easy for somone like us, but somone who knows how to code and how the wow code works should find it easy being they have been doing to for many years
Its prob just turning somthing from a 0 to a 1 or a off to an on, lol