This was Leekas idea that I wanted to bring up here, it seems like a great idea to me but curious what others think.
He’s basically suggested that pvpers get a place where we can test out pvp stuff with all pvp modifiers on permanently once you are there. Also suggested you can brawl with people there like Gurubashi arena or just test out abilities on pvp dummies if you want. It can also be where all pvp stuff goes, like pvp vendors. His suggestion was possibly using Blackrook hold area or just having a place in the city set up for it. I like the blackrook hold suggestion (cities can have a port to get there) since it was already kind of set up like a pvp area in legion.
I loved this idea because it would give pvpers something to do in between q’s if they want to test stuff out or just press their buttons in a free for all with a bunch of people. And also because pvp dummies in the city can be annoying to test with even with warmode on as it still takes you in and out of ‘pvp mode’ and modifiers/pvp gear goes from working to not working.
And to further add on to his idea, I’d like the ability to choose what to queue for in skirmish. As a dps I get thrown into 2v2 all the time when I’d really rather be practicing 3v3, I’d like to be able to queue for which practice mode I want to do.