Pizza or tacos

For that late night munchies?


a cold taco bell soft taco is my kryptonite.


Most pizza places are closed late at night so tacos for late night. I ate so many dang jack in the box tacos as a teenager

What about pizza tacos? Or taco pizza!


Pizza tacos


Both for the win!

Tacos aren’t as greasy. So they’re not as likely to cause problems when you pick up the mouse / gamepad after stuffing the face.

Pizza always! :yum: :pizza:

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I’ve never had tacos, but pizza trumps almost anything in my opinion. Especially with root beer.

PIZZA POWER! :pizza: :beer:

You’ve never had a taco leak taco juices all over your hand when you bite into them?

Root Beer is good, but you need the right type of root beer. Like soda, they’re not all made equal.

As to Pizza … it also depends on the brand. Some need to be exported to China, as a way of saying “we hate your country.” They’re just That Bad.

I use a wrapper or a napkin while eating them to contain the juices.

Like Chicago style deep dish. Or that one with weird cheese from over on the east coast.

I’m sorry, what?

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breakfast tacos are the best so it depends on how late the night is :slight_smile:

fold a pizza in half and eat it like a taco

A taco pizza!

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That’s essentially what a Calzone is. Just not so messy.

it shall not be sealed. The flavor is for the world to see you devour the taco/pizza in shame.


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Or better yet why not both! There’s Taco pizza so both in one! Win win situation! :taco::pizza: