Pixelizing graphic cards

in what torrent do we find out weather the graphic cards are just found and made worse to make us feel bad for buying it. the topic is how to boss the internet over the 39.99 dollers you spent 16x over on 98 and a computer that would barly hold 16 books tht ws max so now the 444 book store is open and apauling as it sounds i don’t see a reason unless we know how the grphaics card updates in general and how the massive attunement to kyle’s internet is bestowing on us.2mb is all you would need unless you are like blizzard how my computer and car battery has to do with the server is beyond me am i man now .

I think your brain might have been pixelized. You should probably get that checked out

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“Bames Nond is having a stronk. Call a Bondulance.”

But seriously, though, you might want to read that back to yourself verbatim, then collect your thoughts and try again.

PC hardware has advanced considerably since 1998, in terms of both performance and capacity. But there has been a significant regression on the behalf of those who tell them what to do. How much of this regression is necessary, however, is debatable - since you can’t reasonably expect ASM to function identically on every modern system in all respects, sometimes you have to take the high-level path instead which is going to lead to inefficiencies.


i think he means he’s giving away free 3080s to those who reply to his thread