So just wondering if anyone else is having this issue. Before TWW Pre Patch in DF I was perfectly fine with lag/ping related things. Since pre patch and launch its VERY regular thing for me to be sitting at about 300-500 ping when grouped up. Sometimes even just being in the major city its bad, right before this post was actually getting almost 1800 world ping. Thats also the other thing is, its just world ping thats terrible. I know DCs and what not have been bad lately so I’m sure I’m not the only one suffering this problem, but just curious to hear from others. I also was reading up older threads where people said running VPN’s helped with DC’s or ping, anyone know anything about that? It’s getting to the point where I don’t even wanna try anymore, I’m trying so hard to tough it out and hope that this gets better, but day after day doing content just feels like chore when the ping is that bad.
EDIT: So just an update if anyone reads this and is having issues, I ended up releasing and renewing my IP and then flushing DNS. This seems to have helped alot. currently below 40ms ping both home and world. We’ll see how long it holds up but hoping that levels it out.