Good day!
We are looking for a warlock for Wrath raiding. We are a casual guild with Wed Thurs raid nights from 8-11 server and multiple 10 mans running on the off days. We are also willing to bring a full ten man or 25 man team looking for help with recruiting and such. Established core been together close to a year now. Looking for a few good folks and friends to play with for the expansion! saleitem#1121
About Us:
We are a Semi-Core group of close-knit wow friends and others who have raided together since T5.
Recruitment Needs:
Elemental Shaman
Warlocks (Wotlk)
T6 Content Wed/Thur
7:45PM-11PM ST (EST)
14/14 (BT/Hyjal)
All previous content cleared.
Loot System:
Loot Council
Be prepared for raid (Gems/Enchants/Consumables).
Know your class/role and encounters.
Feel free to contact any officers in game or discord.
Nishikawa (Nishikawa#8887)
Kalissia (Saleitem#1121)