*pineapple* Recruiting a few good raiders to join our ranks!

Guild Information:
Schedule: Wed and Thus 7:45PM-11PM Server time
Loot System: Loot Council
Progress: 14/14 current tier.
All previous content cleared.

About Us:
Is run by a counsel of officers. Our roster consists of group of fun loving people that strive for progression. While knowing how to get serious when it is time for it, having fun remains a high priority for us, after all it is a game.
The Loot Counsel sole purpose is to make sure everyone on the raid team is kept up to date. The goal is to have all the members of the raid team get the gear they need so we all can progress faster.

While exceptions can be made for some applicants, we generally expect new team members to be T4/T5 or at a gear level where they will be able to contribute to the rest of the raid. We also expect our raiders to be able to adapt quickly, have knowledge of the fights, be able to give and receive constructive criticism.
We require all raiding members have full enchants, gems, and full consumables for raid; meaning flasks or elixirs, food, and potions appropriate for your class/spec, be on time for raid nights, and to give proper notice when absences cannot be avoided. (emergencies excepted of course).
Must also use required addons for raiding.

Recruitment needs:
We are not looking for raid loggers. Our community is a very high priority for us, we are looking for people who want to engage with our guild and make friends. We are looking for people that have a guild first attitude, after all why join a guild if you don’t have your guilds back and they don’t have yours.

is currently OPEN for raid recruitment. And we are always recruiting Social members!

We are currently looking for:

shadow priest
Enh Shaman
Resto Shaman
Holy Priest

saleitem#1121 in game (main is Kalissia)

Still looking for that spriest and enh shaman!

Still Recruiting!