Pikaboo's Reaction to 10.1 Changes

Intim stun is same duration with twice the cd LOL.


Uh… That was Pikaboo’s question. I was writing down some of his main points for people who don’t want to watch his video.

Thanks for educating me though. :+1:

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Not sure what you’re trying to imply. He doesn’t run double caster so why would he like it at the highest level possible? He also said these changes are wrong direction.

Hello Pika fan club! Is this thread about you guys sharing your love for a streamer?

Not me.

Just writing stuff down from Pikaboo’s video.

I think the implication is that Cdew’s team runs melee cleave. Melee cleaves might be OP at high rating too.

I think Pikaboo was responding to someone in chat, so maybe he got the wrong info.

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I mean it’s just super great content for him to put out all this stuff regardless if he’s right or wrong.

The blind/sap change was fair, but the overall cc reductions, lowered interrupt timer and giving casters precog free on gear so they can have an extra pvp talent is bad. Feels like there’s no value in kicking, if you get juked the caster is free casting and immune to cc, if you land a kick it’s only 3s lockout

He is right that you don’t have to CC to win and the game is becoming more and more Zug regardless of class/spec. Just feels like all the changes are for RSS to try and make healing easier (less cc, less interrupt timer means more time to save team / less time to execute a kill).

The pvp devs don’t know what they’re doing tbh, and this just shows how stubborn they are as usual. They add precog to the game because melee have so much uptime that they refuse to prune. They add trinket set bonus because everyone got a bunch of utility and cc, but since it’s still overwhelming, they remove that and make everything 25% shorter.

The core issue with pvp right now is that there’s so many damage modifiers that let classes hit for 100k plus consistently, instead of addressing this issue, blizz announces these bandaid changes. It doesn’t matter if lockout is shorter or CC is shorter when you have unhealable damage being pumped out, it just hurts the few comps that do play with finesse or in RSS the classes that bring more cc/utility than raw damage.

TLDR: blizz is too stubborn to prune abilities they gave back and fix bad talents that modify abilities to do way too much damage.




Shouldn’t we look to rss legends for feedback since 3s is just a corpse held up by a mount at this point?

I’m a noob but I think the issue with rogue in pvp is this:
8 second blind that you can potenially sap out of
8 second sap before combat initiates that you can get
6 second stun on a 20 second cd
gouge, is it 4 seconds?
what else?

with all this utility Rogue should always be in bottom 1/3 of damage, if its in the top 1/3 than thats way out of whack. Never should be able to do top damage but they do, very often


Rogue players in shambles, now they will have to kidney or cheap shot before blind

How will we ever recover

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If I had a dollar for everytime this has been said while rogue still managing to direct and control the meta I would purchase elon musk as my personal butler.


Eyyyyyy this guy gets it. It’s fine to have control, and it’s fine to have big damage, but both? Nah. (And they’ll still have both)

Rogue players think the game is unfair if they get killed once they’ve used their multiple escapes, and then hid in stealth for 2 minutes for resets to get a legitimate 14th try to beat a team that earned their victory 3 minutes earlier but still could have lost a 2v1 because… Rogue. Lol

Someone like Pikaboo going on record to whine about this stuff just shows you that at all levels of PVP the people who play Rogue have been getting spoon fed victories for so long that being made even slightly less OP is intolerable to them.


Thats a buff to rogue, they will never press kidney anymore, save your combo and MFD for double evis.


  • Hammer of Justice duration decreased to 5 seconds in PvP combat (was 6 seconds).
  • Blinding Light duration decreased to 4 seconds in PvP combat (was 5 seconds).

They made an error with Blinding Light tho, they mention the duration is 5sec, when it’s actually 6sec. So Following their logic Blinding Light should be going from 6>5, not 5>4.

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That’s a lot of money.

let rogues die in the gutter


sometimes i really wonder if you’re a real person


What you mean

orc definitely going to get updated if these changes all go through



Its both.

I could be wrong about this but addons being allowed in tournaments coincides with the first time we saw rogues at blizzcon. Timing might not be that precice but a really big coincidence.

Might have been universal combo points though now that im thinking about it