Picking a pally race

I’m wanting to play a paladin and jump around all the specs doing raids and groups. I know race don’t matter. But my issue is I like all the alliance pally races even the space goats. So I’m needing opinions on what to pick.

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Part of it would depend on the role you’re looking to play, I suppose.

Dark Irons have great defensive racials, for example. They also have the Mole Machine, making it much easier to get around.

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I like human. Looks -by far- the best in transmog, if playing male characters.

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Dwarves (dark iron or regular) are always a good option because of their racial bleed cleanse…its the only one in the game

Humans are good…becuase male human paladin is a thing

Ive heard that the light forged racial scales with paladin holy damage buffs, so thats a option

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The only correct answer to this question is Dwarf. Either flavour.


I would go Human concerning the chance for Tyr rewards similar to Baine’s rewards for Tauren and upcoming Night elven glaives. :thinking:

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What is Tyr’s rewards?

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Dwarves of either stripe.

Not really because of their racials or anything but just because Dwarves are cool.


Tyr was a religious symbol for humans. I’m assuming it’ll offer the chance for something unique. :thinking:

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Two options that I think are cool;

  • Draenei; We embody the light as a part of our culture. Becoming a paladin is an honor. The heal adds to the class thematically.

  • Human: Reputation bonuses, looking good in a lot of mogs and stun resistance. Sounds pretty cool to me.

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My go to answer for this is draenei.


Dwarves are the best paladins.

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Dark Iron Dwarves are the best Alliance race.

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Switch to horde and pick blood elf. They have best skeleton for plate armor

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So once I roll my paladin what profession should I pick? I was thinking either blacksmith or jewel crafting

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Dwarf is the most awesome race.

We (dwarf and dark iron dwarf) also have these racial spells:

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Here me out. Zandalari.

Divine Shield + Regeneratin’

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I always consider aesthetics of the race I play. I really don’t care about racials. While male human paladins may be a thing, female human paladins are MY thing. :slight_smile:

Female draenei paladin used to be quite popular. You can do that if you like the exotic look and if you don’t mind the tail.

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DWARF! its the only right answer.
Stoneform is awesome, plate just looks darned good on them, and you can be a DWARF!


I intended for my pally to be a black smith - so the LF space goats worked well. And Light’s Judgment has actually been a decent opener that I can pop 3 seconds before pull on a raid boss or going into a pack.

Interestingly - I’ve used the Anvil of Light (or whatever summons the anvil) a non-zero amount of times. Thought it would be useless - but its rather handy.