Picking a healer for next expansion

After trying the Evoker this expansion I’m wanting to roll another class that’s ranged dps spec and has a healer spec. Mainly because I don’t want to swap out gear for one spec for int gear needed for the healer spec. So far I like the Druid but like the evoker you don’t get to see your gear. Can anyone suggest a class to try. I plan on doing all the normal stuff plus bg PvP. Opinions welcomed.

A healer with a ranged spec, but you also get to see your gear sorta cuts down your options.

Disc/Holy priest with shadow priest.

Resto sham with ele sham

While I love shaman, priest tends to be stronger more often. And you have 2 healing styles to try out

Shadow does seem to get completely remade every expansion.

If you already like druid try glyph of stars to let you see a bit of your mog in boomy. If not shaman and priest are your other ranged healer options.

Shaman and holy priest if you like a more reactive heal style; disc, druid and evoker if you like a more preemptive style.

Dps wise ele is blizz’s redheaded stepchild, shadow feels like it gets a major rework every other patch, boomy is good for high end stuff when its ramp really shines but kinda meh in lower stuff, aug is the games only support and deva has great burst damage that ends up getting them killed.
They all play very differently so testing them all is a good idea.

I guess as a side thing, since the only thing youll actually share between a ranged dps and a healer is maybe the weapon (rings trinkets neck and enchants you will be switching if you do anytype of hard content) MW monk has a ranged heal style thats only a little worse then the melee type and windwalker is very unique and a lot of fun, maybe worth taking the extra bag slot for a agil staff to switch too.

The only thing my boomy set has incommon with my resto is the shared tier peices and like 1 ring cause both specs like haste mastery.

Druid, always play a druid.

For druid you at least get to see your gear when healing, and as others have pointed out glyph of stars kind of lets you see your mog when you shift into moonkin. Idk if that’s enough for you to consider them over shaman and priest but if it is, druid is an awesome class to play. Plus, being able to stealth in BGs is always nice.

Oh and jumping off really tall stuff and shifting into a raven before you hit the ground is a fun time lol

Moonkin form is going away for Resto in War Within. You can DPS as a kitty or not at all :pensive:

mistwiggler is always the most fun healer

Personally I would prefer if moonkin form went away for good but that’s never going to happen. Glyph of stars for playing boomy works well enough though

Druid will always be functional and good, due to blizzard showing extra care to them, they require enough knowledge of encounters to pre-hot, since their spot healing will never be as good as some others. If you don’t like maintaining hots it wont be a good match for you.
Holy priest is the classic gopher mashing, and its actually very good in spite of how poorly its usually rated. High damage, easy to play, lots of tools. The real downside of priest is that it only gets a single, slow ramp dps spec.
Disc priest is usually rated high, and thats correct, but it doesn’t do well in chaotic environments, and situations can spiral out of your control quickly due to having less actual heals to work with. Its very powerful when your group knows how to keep themselves alive.
Shaman will always excel at 5 mans due to very good heal spam and tools, but I find healing rain to be the least fun of the aoe heals, you should try it out first.
Monk has stuff that is too good, and stuff that is too weak. It has a mindless hot that always works in the best possible way, also granting aoe heals like shaman, but its ‘greater heal’ spell and aoe heal are often not used at all. You will be expected to fistweave, which is actually hard.
Paladin is the same, you’re expected to melee and I find that difficult. It still heavily favors tank healing over aoe healing, but there are at least 2 very potent, if somewhat weird, ways to distribute massive aoe heals (with little control)
I have never played evoker healer, cant stand the reduced range.

I think your only other two options are priest or shaman… Unless I missed somebody.

Druid has been solid in one of its four specs every patch since WoD. Even if resto falls off somehow, boom or feral or guardian will still be good.

Holy paladin is a lot of fun. You get a big toolkit with utility and damage capabilities, and it’s looking like Herald and Lightsmith look like they’ll be cool.

Resto shaman I’d say has an easier flow, and if I’m being honest, having BL/Hero is always a plus for party leaders looking for pugs :wink:

They did improve the model for customizations. :robot::+1: