Picking a covenant can be a meaningful choice without chaining abilities to it

I’m more thinking for tank swaps in raids. Swap right before a tankbuster with a full shield up.

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Remember “bring the player, not the class”? That philosophy was taken way too far in terms of class homogenization and encounter simplification. Rather than design encounters with the idea that you need to bring a diverse selection of toolkits to adequtely tackle, they went the route of making all specs reasonably competitive in all encounters and got rid of the “hybrid tax”, the usefulness of most of their utility, and then outright removed most of it in Legion. Now they even have to go so far as make core mechanics like immunities not work against some mechanics because otherwise it encourages class stacking. But please do go on about how this is the player’s fault.

Players made the shovel. Blizzard dug the hole.

Re: Molten Core - Nobody who actually knows what they’re talking about ever suggested that any of Classic’s raids except maybe Naxxramas would last more than a few hours. The fact that they’re playing on 1.12 from the getgo should have been enough indication, even with the itemization changes omitted.

Consequences aren’t the problem. At least, that’s not what my problem is.

I’m vehemently against homogenization, and absolutely did not support the removal of profession specs or their combat bonuses. I’ve been against the dumbing down of classes brought on by WoD and much heavier with Legion. Understand my arguments before you start generalizing me with a group of people you like to blame for WoW’s problems.

Covenants do not need the ability to be a meaningful choice. They have a wealth of content before you factor in the ability. Attaching player power to the exact same system everything else is associated with ultimately means that the choice LOSES depth, not gains it, because any reasonable person who isn’t very casual is not going to willingly put themselves at a disadvantage. If they do, they aren’t going to be happy about it. I sure feel bad every time I make a worgen character that I ever intend to queue PvP on. Choosing Ability A vs Ability B should make me lament the loss of Ability B; not cosmetic armor sets and a mount. Or in the case of racials, the look and feel of a race I enjoy playing and have to stare at for the entirety of my gameplay.

Literally all they have to do is make the ability come from an envoy of the covenant trying to convince you to join. They can make it just as difficult to swap as your actual covenant, thus retaining the seriousness and consequences of the decision while separating the overlap of power and aesthetics. “Cosmetics vs Power” is simply not a fun or interesting choice in a multiplayer game unless you’re treating it like a singleplayer one.

I want a reasonable separation between power and cosmetics. This concept is not mutually exclusive of choices with consequence.

Signed, a roleplayer on a roleplaying server in a roleplaying game that actually plays in higher end content. I’m not looking for a MOBA or anything remotely close to it.


The forest. What you are missing is the forest (covenants) by focusing on the trees (abilities, cosmetics).

Joining a Covenant isn’t about abilities or cosmetics; it’s about being a part of a new, specific society with a unique position, duties, values, ect in the greater Shadowlands cosmology and the whole concept is built upon it being a singular choice, just like race and class, that will inform your character’s identity the entire time they are in the Shadowlands. The abilities and cosmetics are perks of that choice, not the point.

But let’s be honest, you didn’t really start this thread in hopes of gaining understanding; you just wanted to argue against being unable to have your cake and eat it too.

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So… Let us join a covenant based on the one we feel resonates with us most, not which covenant ability is best?


It ADDS depth in that your choice gives you unique abilities on top of your regular tool kit and are associated with the NPC’s within that Covenant; Soulbinds and Conduits.

Covenant abilities are supposed to compliment your character, not become a pseudo talent row, just like racials and profession specialties. If numbers are the problem, nerf the numbers, not the entire system.

All Blizzard has to do is nerf numbers on any of their systems and it wouldn’t be an issue.

But progression raiders want to eat that cake too, so it’s really more to do with making content easier and convenient so they get the biggest number on their spread sheet.

They’d rather rip out anything that doesn’t involve raids or mythic + and just be in an instance all day. That’s why I don’t take Preach or Asmongold or any of the other petulant World First raiders seriously.

You know what doesnt add depth?

Having an aoe ability for 2 years and not pressing it once on a single raid boss in that entire time. Gee, I really can’t wait to experience that depth!! Thanks for making my character feel more complete :slight_smile:


Your example is assuming everyone chooses the wrong covenant for what they plan to focus on. You do not use the example: ‘Having an aoe ability for 2 years and using it on trash inside M+ dungeons/raids helps speed things up over that entire time.’ It still adds some depth to the character. At times that depth is not useful and at other times it is useful. That is the fun (or for you lack of) of lasting choices.

And if someone does truly pick the wrong covenant for them they are allowed to switch for a price. That is a good example of a meaningful choice in an MMORPG.

So? Use your Aoe ability against the trash leading up to it. Are you complaining that abilities are too unique now?

If Blizzard made that AoE ability single target, do you really think you could actually get to a 25+ Key?

Subjective that’s why. You think that way is meaningful, others think another way is meaningful… hence why something is meaningful to a person, and not a group.

Subjectivity is the answer you look for.

Why would they tie abilities to it lmao what a horrible idea

Wow really?!?! I get to use my big ability of the expansion on the trash before the raid boss :heart: what depth! I can probably get to a 25 key, but not if I had chosen an essence a year ago that I thought was cool when playing dps and then been locked into it.

So just because I do m+ I have to have less fun, less interactions, and less depth on a raid boss?? That is horrible logic

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No, it isn’t. :roll_eyes:

You have lots of baseline abilities you do not use on Mythic boss fights except maybe one offs. You act like this covenant ability is supposed to be useful to you all the time. Very few of your abilities are useful to you ALL the time. Covenant ability should be no different, especially because it is a choice and not mandatory.

Yes I do have lots of abilities I don’t use on a boss. None of them are the “big” ability of the expansion though. These covenant abilities are supposed to be really meaningful and fun, and yet being locked in they won’t see use in at least 50% of the content lol

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If you pick the one for the content you do I would argue it will see use in at least 75% of the content you do. Remembering some of our earlier discussions you prefer M+ over Mythic raiding. I am willing to bet you spend more time doing M+ throughout the week than Mythic raiding. Therefor if you pick the ability based around M+ you would be using the ability for the majority of the content you do. I can not speak for your Mythic raid team but I would argue you likely spend many more hours a week running M+ content than you do raiding.

You’re right. M+ is my main form of content. I also do PvP to around 2k and I raid as well. So venthyr for me is automatically out since I want to step into an arena at some point, despite it being my favorite aesthetically. Now I only have 3 choices.

Throughout the week I would spend my time doing about 50% m+. 25% raiding and 25% PvP. So choosing an ability that is optimal for m+ will see about 50% use, yeah. Reallllly great design


I’ll bet money it’s never balanced, prior or post release. Just like every outside-the-character power tree we’ve had since they were introduced in Legion.

Except you already acknowledged there’s potential with Covenant Abilities. They’ve already stated they plan on making them available to all prior to launch if they can’t manage to balance it.

No they said going forward not prior to launch which probably means the .2 patch of the expansion.

When? After the balancing system is installed. That’s called Soulbinds. They’re working on it now and plan to put it in soon.

Remember, we’re really early in Alpha. We only have a tiny bit of what is in Shadowlands right now.

2/5 zones, no capital, 3/8 dungeons, etc…

Soulbinds could make it work. I’m not saying that we don’t voice feedback, I’m just saying that Soulbinds have the potential and Blizzard should at least try before throwing it out.