Picked up the conquest weapon (weapons of conquest) quest after earning conq… not counting prev earned conq

picked up the conquest weapon (weapons of conquest) quest after earning conq…

am missing 700 conq towards quest, make sure u pick up ur quest before earning any conquest apparently… hopefully this gets fixed. will be behind unless u instantly pick up quest before u do anything.

hopefully this bug gets fixed, since theres a conquest point cap, you will be behind on filling the quest up, if you’ve already earned conquest before picking it up

quest literally says “earn 2500 conquest this season”

please fix


Im in the same boat as u … the quest should pop when u log in the first time … I’ve get 600 conquest before take the quest hope they fix it


it would only make sense, hopefully they are aware of the problem…


I have the exact same issue.

This is what I was trying to send to blizz:

The Weapons of Conquest quest does not include conquest that was earned before it was picked up even though it says “Conquest Gained in Current Season”.

My quest should show more conquest than it does!

It is showing a value that is 354 less than what it should be.

I’d like to get this corrected, otherwise I won’t be able to complete the quest when everyone else can.



still no update/response or acknowledgement …

Same issues, people even lost their progress after faction swaps - hoping for a fix soon or even just a response from blizzard


please make weapons of conquest quest based on maximum earned season conquest


Bumping for exposure - same thing happened to me.


Bumping also… this is a major issue… PLEASE FIX THIS. i have lost 2200 conquest… towards the weapon which is only 2500… we work hard to stay at the top of the gear gap in this game and this is a MAJOR setback… i dont know that i will continue playing if this isnt resolved :confused:

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this needs to be fixed asap