Pick One: Tinker, Bard, or Dark Ranger

Bard, would like a new support/heal class.


Dark ranger, or Blademaster.

Tinker gameplay wise just wouldnt work at all. Itd be ridiculous.

And bard can f off. This is WoW not final fantasy.


Bards in DnD-based RPGs are just so incredibly useless.

Deekin is only good bard, but it’s nwn1 and you can do everything solo anyway so he’s just for fun

And there’s a few hint that this class may be coming in in the future!
There is a bard in the rogue class area. There are harps in game AND in shadowlands there is harps too :slight_smile:

Bard would be interesting.
I myself love healing and although we already have a decent amount of healing specs in the game (what… 5 I think?) I do feel a Bard would be a nice addition.

Realistically speaking I think the Tinker would be added before a Bard ever would be, though.

Tinker 100%

Tank spec, mech form, similar to DH tanks with demon form.

Heal spec, healing nodes, barriers, special they only or nearly only heal with over shields.

DPS, ranged, turrets, lazers, bombs, rockets, etc.

I would nut if they added a tinker like this.


and no not a Death Knight, otherwise we wouldn’t have both Priest and Paladin, or Warlock and Demon Hunter

The only way I see Bard being a viable class ( in my opinion) is really create a whole new role, as in a utility role where what they do mainly is buff, defuff and crowd control. With some healing and DoT based damage. But with the way the game has changed since vanilla in terms of buffing, I really don’t see it happening anytime soon.

Out of the three I’d pick Bard

Tinker is the obvious one.
None of the Classes in the game have Tinker abilities from WC3
Therefore we should have a class with tinker abilities from WC3

See how easy that Is?

Bards weren’t in Warcraft.
The game is called “World of Warcraft”

So no. No bards. Unless you can time travel into the past and put bards in the Warcraft games.

All of Dark Ranger’s abilities are currently on Shadow Priest.
Shadow Priests have Mind control. Can leech life from enemies, and can silence.
They even have abilities like Psychic Scream for Flavor
So we don’t need a second class with the same abilities.

Write in vote: Cowboy.

Do you research. Or hell, just quest through any expansion. Tinkers are everywhere.

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Bard. Bard all the way!


You nerds and your bards keep that junk to DnD

Obviously tinker

The whole fantasy behind bards blows my mind

I fail to see how they’d be useful at anything ever

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Tinker. Gnomes and goblins don’t have a proper class, and its also not just a goblin gnome class either. Bards aren’t a class, magic music doesn’t exist in WoW lore and there is no justification for a bard class.

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Tinker, if it’s similar to Gazlowe’s Greasemonkeys & Razak’s Roughriders in Island Expeditions

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I would choose bard, but WoW is cut and dried; you’re either healing, tanking or doing damage and nothing in between. I shudder to think of how they would make the bard work in this game… No on dark ranger, there’s already enough edginess in this game. That just leaves Tinker? ughh

That would mean it’s a Tank, Healer and Ranged DPS.
3 Thinks the game needs more of.

Would also reasonably stack Intelligence. Which is nice.

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