Pick 1 thing

I assume most people on this forum think Classic is better than current.

If you could only pick one thing that you think makes Classic better, what would it be?

I just want my 32 slot bags. Thats all. Im a hoarder.


I don’t think it can be narrowed down to one thing, it’s a combination of many things that make Classic so much more enjoyable than retail. But, many would say Community

The entire world mattering rather than just the latest expansion.


The only thing I think I want from retail in classic is instant mail to alts. Otherwise I’m good.


Barber shop.

Edit: Opps. I thought you meant take one thing from Retail and add to Classic.

One thing the Classic has that is better than Retail? No heirlooms. They trivialize so much of the gameplay.

aoe looting:P

That’s not really… how it works though. It’s not just a couple of things that I think make it better. I think it’s everything, just because of how different it is.

lol why would you assume that?

Flight paths. No, I don’t mean “give” me all the FPs that exist in retail. What I mean is put them in the game. I’m OK with having to run my characters to them the first time to learn them, but this one singular change would reduce the tedium of constant “we’re running, we’re running, we’re running, … we’re still running…”. Additionally, it would make it a lot easier for friends, guildies to group up for content.

I hate:

Mythic +

As long as retail has those things then I am not interested in playing it.

If I can only pick one thing, it’s going to be my nose

It’s an mmorpg, not a lobby based MOBA

The auction house sorting doesn’t work well might be bug.

The thing i miss most about retail that classic doesn’t have is…i cant think of anything. maybe instant mail instead of 1 hour.

One thing…hmm…

Its not retail


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Updated models. I play classic for the game play, not the old visuals. If retail had retained the game design/ play of Classic then I probably wouldn’t be playing Classic as much as I am. It would be a fun look at the past at that point and not much more.

Its the fact that Classic’s game design/play is so much better that I am drawn to it. The visuals of Classic, however, are… well… 15 years old. The art style aged well but honestly the updated models, textures, and effects in retail are stunning.

The one thing I would want to bring to classic is the updated, modern, visuals but keep the game design/play the same.

The gaming community that existed back then. I know, its probably the most impossible of suggestions.

The aspect of Classic I love the most is the overall game pacing. Its much slower, combat is slow, leveling professions is general slow, doing dungeons are slow, everything is just slower than the go go go mindset and enviroment of modern wow. I dont know why this much slower game is more appealing but to me it is.

Before anyone gets upset with what I say, I just wanna say that I’m happy with classic and don’t want any changes made to the game. BUT, if vanilla WoW had included the following feature back in 2005 and thus it’d be a part of Classic WoW, then I wouldn’t complain:

Dual Spec

I want to raid as resto but pvp as enhancement

EDIT: Im thinking now that I misread your post lol. sorry I’m still trying to wake up at the office.
One thing that I like better in Classic than retail would be the challenge. Not everything is freely given to you just for logging in

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