PI During Lust

Should I avoid using PI while lust is up due to haste cap? Talking start of a big m+ pull. Thanks in advance.

Naw, it’s better to use it and get the cd rolling.

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It’s dependent on who ur PIng (assuming that ur using Twins), but that being said it’ll almost always be fine to use it

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i was under the impression that lust and pi dont get/contribute to DR but i might be completely wrong

For raid I don’t think twice about doubling up because it gets it out there. Most of the time I push it without thinking.

For keys, when I know hero is going to be pushed, I sometimes hold PI until after it fades and then push it for ME lol. I like resetting my fiend and I feel like it is easier for ME to space it out like that. I don’t know if it is optimal, but it works for me and the way I play. :slightly_smiling_face:

I give it to my gf when she asks :joy:

No. Cooldowns stack exponentially. PI is actually stronger because Lust is up.


Same friend, same. But mine, not yours.

Thank you

No you give me the PI during lust so I can summon more demons :smiling_imp:

Please and thank you :pray:

You should consider the fact that during lust/CDs, your increased haste will increase dot ticks, meaning more resources and therefore voidform duration. There’s a reason haste is the highest swimming stat for most priests well into the 20% DR range.