Pi and void shift macros

Alright, I’m tired of doing this the hard way. I’d like to make pi and void shift macros for shuffle / arena that I’ll never have to add names in again.

I’ve tried dynamic macros for pvp with no luck. I know there’s a macro to always set party frames, but I don’t know what it’s called and can’t seem to find it.

I just want a pi macro that always goes to the dps and a void shift for both healer and dps. So if I had an addon where healer
Is always 1, dps is 2 and I’m number 3, I should just be able to set them up as party macros, right?

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They just updated Power Infusion or more accurately, Twins of the Sun Priestess to always be cast on another ally even if you don’t have them targeted or from macros. Then a step further is that it prefers a DPS over a Tank or Healer.

But the way I did use PI was as a Focus target macro. But that only works if you don’t have an enemy target focused for interrupting purposes for example.

/Cast [@mouseover,help][@focus,help][ ]Power Infusion

That will cast Power Infusion on yourself if you don’t have a friendly Mouseover or friendly focus target. Otherwise it will try to cast PI on your Focus Target if it’s a friendly and then the Mouseover part will override both Focus and no target if it’s also a friendly target and cast PI on them.

Also since PI if off the GCD, you can pair it up with other spells like your primary cooldown spell or whatever else you choose.

For Void Shift, I use a mouseover macro that turns my Dispersion into Void Shift when I mouse over a friendly target.

That allows you to use 2 defensives with the same button and since you need to target someone else to use Void Shift, it’s works naturally.

You can also change the macro so it will work for other similar cooldowns for Holy and Discipline if you like.

But to get you started…

/Cast [@mouseover,help,nodead]Void Shift;Dispersion

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Wouldn’t it be

/Cast [@mouseover,help] Power Infusion; [@focus,help] Power Infusion; Power Infusion


The is [-] without the -, formatting on the forms is bad for this.

Hey thank you!

On a complete side note: I just realized my ring doesn’t have precog anymore. Both my ring and my neck still have the focusing lenses after recrafting, but my ring lost its precog.

I bought another statuette, but I can’t figure out how to get it back on my ring? Didn’t they make some kind of special concession for precog to not count as an embellishment?

Its a gem now. Sadly i dont remember its name but it is a primary stat gem 181 int + the precog it isnt embelishment anymore

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Each bracket set [ ] is separate conditionals from the others. So when you just add a set of conditionals after the previous set, there is no need to include outcome of said conditions separately.

Meaning in this case, you don’t need to have Power Infusion listed twice as each bracket set [ ] will go through to check the IF to trigger the THEN statement.

If you wanted to trigger different spells/effects based on each sets of bracket [ ] conditionals then you would separate them with the ; and then include the new spell. Otherwise you could also use a /castsequence and include multiple spells but that is not necessary for what the OP was looking for.

Having the separate bracket [ ] conditionals broken apart with ; and the same spell listed multiple times after each bracket set would still work, it just takes up more characters and therefore less efficient because the same result would occur.

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No Target & No Mouseover:

/cast [@party1,exists][] Power Infusion

This uses power infusion on the first party member in the group or raid, or else it will just put it on you. You can use it for void shift too, or else you can auto-target and use it, sort of a gamble.

/target friend
/cast void shift

Sometimes /targetlasttarget screws it up, so you have to leave it out.

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