<Politically Incorrect> 8/8H 3/8M
Raiding Requirements
Just like any other guild we do have some requirements that we'd like to have set for raiders:
• Raid attendance is one of the most important aspects to us, we are looking for people who can make 90% of our raid times, if something does come up its fine, it's life we get it, just let someone know!
• Show up raid ready, that would be with raid pots, personal food buff and runes. This also includes tomes. Flasks are on us!
• Come into raid with the mindset of progression and understand what progression means. We want to form something great with players who are like minded.
• Show up to raid knowing boss fights on whatever difficulty we are running that night. This relates to showing up to raid ready, but deserves its own point. If you plan to push Mythic raiding, we expect our players to show up knowing the fights.
• Be understanding that we will adapt to fights if need be; as in if we need to swap out classes to perform better on a fight then we will do so. We recommend having an alt that can fulfill another role.
• Have a good time. We plan to be very serious about progression, but at the same time have a good time! We'll be spending all this time together raiding, may as well enjoy it!
Recruitment Notes
We are currently interested in a few healers and would defiantly like some more ranged dps. We are open to melee and tanks, any exceptional players will be looked into! Also with cross realm Mythic, we can now take applicants from other servers who have maybe been interested in swapping to another realm to raid.
Raid Times
We raid Friday and Saturday @ 8 SERVER. Raid will go to 12. The Guild also has Heroic runs that happen throughout the week and weekend.
Thank you for taking the time to read through our recruitment, we hope to hear from some of you. If you are interested feel free to contact either Tichondrius#5156 or Filman#7205.