Physical Collectors Edition: Shadowlands

I’d love to Pre-Purchase Shadowlands Now - But I’m a sucker for the physical goods, especially the arts (If available this time around) and a had a few regarded questions which I’m sure many others do too:

  • Will there be a physical epic collectors physical edition? - If so is there a specific timeframe of when it will be available / or is it yet to be announced but definitely in the cards?
  • And ultimately, if we plan on getting the physical, but would like early access to the rewards now - Will we be able to pre-order the epic collectors now, then when we buy the physical edition have the credits from the digital refunded to us (In Blizzard credits of cause) like has been done in the past?

Thanks & many regards, from a few friends & myself,
– Auss


I am pretty sure there will be, I am in the same boat. I plan on holding out for the Physical Collectors Edition.


I’m 99.9% sure their will be one, they just haven’t announced it yet. Give it time, it will show up at your favourite retailer.

Most likely it will work how it did in BfA, where if you pre purchase a digital copy and redeem the key for the CE, you will get reimbursed the cost of the digital copy.

Usually takes them a few months to announce the Collector’s Edition. I don’t see why they wouldn’t offer one since they make decent money. It might cost more than the previous $99 though.

So far, all we’ve gotten is this snippet from the page for Pre-Purchase of Shadowlands:

In the coming months, we will announce our retail-only Collector’s Edition to commemorate the release of Shadowlands , featuring everything in the Epic Edition, and more!

I reckon it’ll be similar to the last time with the ability to get a credit back on the digital once the CE is purchased.


I figured the same to be honest, but I’d feel a lot safer in terms of money if there was some form of confirmation it was the same way round for this new Expansion too.

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definitely need confirmation from blue.


Also would be interested in hard confirmation.


Blue confirmation plz?


I would also like them to put the art book and the mouse pad that everyone loved back in them!


If this is done please do it right, the BfA CE was disappointing. Oh, and please bring back the 3 free hearthstone packs code, miss that.


I didn’t want to do this due to the experiences I had with BfA, but I’m a sucker.

With any luck, they will announce the physical version at PAX East again with a room full of people who cannot actually pre-order it due to the horrible internet at the con.

Hope it comes with a new Lich King statue


Don’t holdout for collectors…you will get everything late as usual

Am I the only one hoping this one comes with a CD of Music… the BFA one did not come with a CD and I have a row of CD’s in my Car… and It ends at Legion. Im kind of Bummed it never came out as a CD. I know CD’s kind of suck these days. But It was nice to be able to have the latest music in my Car all the time.


why wouldn’t they announce the physical Collectors copy when they announced the digital ones, i dont remember them doing this for BFA

This is why I skipped the BfA CE.


They did. They announced there would be a physical CE in the article announcing digital pre-purchase.

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Yeah, but they haven’t as of yet confirmed if you get the Epic Edition then later the Physical Collectors Box Edition, if you’ll be reimbursed amounts in Blizzard credits you had paid for the epic version before it (To access the digital content earlier).

They’ve done this in the past, however a blue confirmed it will be the same for this expansion around would make others & myself feel more financially safe buying the digital collectors now, even though we plan on getting the physical collectors box edition.

Ladies ~ And Gentlemen ~ Villains and heroes ~ Champions, and Legends – An answer has been provided, by a Blue: