<Phury> Horde Guild 6/9h Amirdrassil Tues-Weds 9pm-11pm

Phury has been on the scene for 19 years We have cleared mythic and heroics we have aged together and forged lasting bonds, We currently raid Tues/Weds 9pm - 11pm est! Looking for all classes that are interested in Raiding and M+ We are all adults with kids and jobs so if you’re looking for a guild where people are online all the time every day that’s not us but if your looking for an active discord and fun nights raiding hit us up!

Here is our Past Progress!!
9/9H Uldir 2/9 Mythic Uldir
9/9H Zuldazar 1/9 Mythic Zuldazar
2/2H Cos 0/2 Mythic Cos
8/8H TEP 3/8 Mythic
12/12h Nyalotha 4/8 Mythic
10/10h Castle Nathria 2/10 Mythic
7/8h Vault of Incarnates
8/8 Heroic Abberus

We have a long history of downing bosses and we will continue to do so but we will focus on fun and brotherhood!!! Were best contacted on discord -

Contact options
Discord Tang#85
Discord vuzecannon#6974(trufflebutter)
BNet-GM - Tang#1917

what dps are you looking for

Were looking for all dps - and a healer -

Hit my self up tang#1917 bnet -
my discord is Tang#85

You can also hit up - Vuzecannon#1878 bnet
he’s my second

Hop to hear from all working adults that want to kick some butt!!! and have a good time :slight_smile:

we are now 8/9n working on fyrakk should finish him off next week and start heroic always looking for more players !!!

sent a friend request.

we are now 9/9n and 1/9h always looking for solid players

4/9 heroic always looking for new players

What are you in need of the most? I have a few toons.

a Strong healer and some dps to help us keep the push for guild aotc moveing

How about a ret pally?

always have room for solid players were looking for healers mainly and a back up tank :slight_smile:

woot now 6/9h looking for more to close out this tier and get aotc hit me up tang#1917

Still in need of dps and some healers maybe room for a solid tank hit me up :slight_smile:

Lookin for peps to raid tonight hit me up!!!
