Phrases you’re tired of hearing…

… in the news, on shows or in commercials.

“Game changer” needs to be retired ASAP.


“Remade for modern audiences”


“in this day and age”
“at the end of the day”

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The misuse of the word gaslighting.


Hearing about stuff “going viral” is obnoxious.


I’m gonna end this man’s career or hold my beer. Those memes got old fast.

This 100%.

“Am I the only one…[insert generic opinion or idea]”

There are almost 8 billion people in the world but yes, you’re the only one who loves music.


“Grow Up”
“Enjoy it while it lasts”
The Latter is horrifying and the former is a Provocation for me not to change at all, and I just proved I will not.

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“As you know” if we already know then why are you repeating it?

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gaslighting, also called coercive control, historically referred to extreme psychological manipulation to commit an individual to a psychiatric institution or cause mental illness with the intent to brainwash. In contemporary language, gaslighting is a colloquialism describing the subjective experience of having one’s reality repeatedly questioned by another.

nano technology in cosmetics. scuse u CoverGirl but what?

“I only have feelings for you”

“This is a threat to Democracy”.