Photo Op! Achievement

For the third straight day the portals in Tanaris have Uldum, Twilight Highlands and Mount Hyjal. Can we take a look at this?

k thanks


Four days in a row.

Perhaps it’s weekly. Getting 10 for the achievement would take 4 weeks then. Getting all of them may not be possible, it ends after 11 weeks.


It would be stupid if it resets each week, a. because it reset just fine on tuesday and wednesday then stopped changing, b. If you miss a week you’re screwed because there would be no redo.

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its weekly for some reason day 4 didnt change

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Needing 4 weeks to finish this achievement is ludicrous. There’s really no reason for this time-gating nonsense, especially when virtually every other achievement (except another time-gated one, the collect 100 tokens one) was doable the first day if we wanted. Since the portals changed on Wednesday, I can only assume that there is a bug.


so people have to keep coming back to finish it


I’ve noticed that they changed several times per day, but for the last 4 days they’ve been stuck in the same 3 locations.

They finally changed this morning, to WoD destinations.

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These changed for me, as well to the WoD locations. They did not change at reset, so I’m still not sure what the cycle is.

The portals are the same for everyone (as evidenced by the crowd you will always see when taking one).

The first time I saw them reset, they had changed well before the daily reset time (it was early morning this past Wednesday), so I’m wondering if they are set to cycle at midnight Pacific time since I haven’t been up that late to see.

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The portals have changed now, but even though the achievement clearly shows I have 10 done and yet it hasn’t popped.

The most basic functionality of achievements shouldn’t be failing in this manner. It’s clear that the ability to complete the achievement was never tested, despite that being a baseline test case every achievement should have.

Been having fun with a lot of TWW but the poor testing coverage has gotten worse than we’ve seen it in a very long time. There are always issues, but never this many both critical and trivial bugs across contents.

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It is remarkable at how many basic functionality bugs have made it into the game in the past couple years. I think Blizzard needs to address it publicly and commit more resources to QA. Microsoft has the money for it.

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I’m only at 9. I may have missed one on the first day. Are you at 12?

I am at 12 and yes the achievement did not pop.


Relogging resolved the quest not popping for me.

EDIT: IF someone else has this problem, can you check your achievements before and after you log and report back here? Poster blow is concerned it isn’t applying achievement points. Thanks!

Yeah, relogging made it show up as complete, but it did not pop. It just now shows as done. No idea if points applied, I don’t really keep track of the points.

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You should be fine. I’ve never heard of an achievement popping and not applying points. And if it is, someone else will figure it out down the road lol

The achievement popped instantly for me just now on earning my 10th credit, so doesn’t seem like there’s a remaining issue.

These updated again last night - Valley of the Four Winds, Kun Lai & Jade Forest.