Phoenix pet why?!

Why why why why why do u always do this blizzard?! We finally have a cool phoenix pet…. And OFCOURSE?! It doesn’t fly……?!! WHO WOULDA THOUGHT OF THAT? GEEEZZZ. It literally doesn’t flap once or even jump. Doesn’t FLY A SINGLE TIME. And when u tame it… its flying… constantly. Make it MAKE SENSE. Did I tame a phoenix or a frickin chicken? :chicken: :cloud_with_rain:


Yeah I was also extremely disappointed about that. It’s such a cool looking bird :frowning:

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Same!!! The other new birds don’t fly either??? WHYYYYYYY! Just why?! :cloud_with_rain: :sob:

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They used the Zereth Mortis bird rigs for the new models, which also don’t fly. It’s either to reduce frame rate issues, or cause all that flapping gets in other players way.

They haven’t completed the Pathfinder achievements yet to unlock flying.


It’s because they are afraid of the ducks, and the ducks fly.