Phoenix Community Gone

It appears that the Phoenix Community may be gone again. The discord has vanished from my list. Can anyone confirm?

its gone from mine as well

I tried to join the discord link to see what all the fuss is. Apparently some shenanigans with the former admin or something People are scrambling to see if they’ll still get paid. I love a bit of discord drama.

Are these friends of yours?

:open_mouth: idk what will happen they owe my 76K which isn’t much honestly haha

If it’s not one community, it’s another.
Just wait until tomorrow and it’ll be named something else.

Okay I’ll bite. What’s the Phoenix Community? Not trying to sound edgy or cool just curious.

I just googled it because I was also curious.

It’s a boosting community. I can not say that it hurts my heart that they probably just ripped a bunch of people off.

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Okay nvm got paid my gold in mail. Turns out the leaders are quitting so there is one who can or wants to run the community.


/10 characters

Well, at least they paid people. Though, I don’t quite understand the purpose of those communities, personally. To each their own!

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Its time for Moob’s Boosting Fiesta. Everyone pay me gold and I’ll something something.



These communities find and interface with employees and promoters for the big businesses that make their money from boosting.

Leader of it wanted to quit, put a plan into action to hand over the community. Rival boosting community allegedly got one of the Phoenix staff to start poaching people from management to the rival community.

Leader finds out and shuts down server completely. So yeah, its’ gone. Leader a stand up lad and still doing payouts though for outstanding balances.

yeah there’s a bunch of people that were waiting to get paid out in the millions for the last 2 weeks of work

sketchy stuff
idk how anyone expects to get away with stealing potentially 4 billion + gold

He’s completing the payments.


To make gold…

Some people don’t have time to raid/do pvp but are very good at making gold on the AH or work a very well paying job and buy tokens.

They could look in trade chat for guilds on their server but the quality varies wildly and you might need to wait a while to get a slot. With boosting servers they have gold on many realms, with many partnered guilds and players who have to play by strict rules for quality control. If boosting guilds don’t do a job well enough they get penalized/dropped as a booster.

If you had gold on say Blackrock, but there are no boosting guilds there. You could contact a boosting community who would take your gold on Blackrock then boost you with a guild from Frostmourne and the community would reimburse the Frostmourne guild with gold.

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