Phasing to get away

The main thing that annoys me is when several horde are camping a Tortollan quest, but when you have a group and start getting them low, they queue the quest and sit in it to regain health and reengage or wait for you to leave so they can start ganking again. A couple nights ago there was a group that were pros at doing it. They would pop in and out multiple times and gank anyone that approached the quest, but go back into the quest when we arrived to try to stop them. It took us several tries and a friendly DK to finally be able to kill them.


average of 5 mins sometimes if solo que


Still a problem, because its exploitation, and it hasn’t been addressed yet. It also happens between 10-20 times a night when I’m fighting people, which is anecdotal evidence but it seems to becoming more and more pervasive.


It’s not exploitation, it’s just playing the game. You being upset about something doesn’t make it wrong.


Interesting … that horde q times are less than half of alliance for skirmish.

I must be lucky.

I do as much 1v1 2v1 Ganking as anyone and have rarely ever seen a character phase out of the battle. Sometimes they’ll get some distance and pop an invisibility potion but even that is a rarity and perfectly acceptable.

The biggest thing I see is running for Guards, and again, perfectly acceptable.


They’re not 5 mins for Alliance. Solo queue skirm typically shows 2 minute average wait time, and pops in less than that quite frequently.


Ever since they made the change u can join a lfg/lfr arena in combat this has been a thing. If your zerging someone solo with a group i wouldn’t blame them for phasing.

It’s joining arena skirmishes. Joining world quest groups does not phase you if you’re in combat (Trust me, i’ve tried escaping AOO alliance gank squads with that)

This guy clarified it could happen either side; so perhaps I assumed too much here. So sorry!

I never said it was just Horde. I know Alliance do it probably just as much. I was simply describing it from my perspective as a (mainly) Alliance player.

That’s the thing I notice is some of these guys are massive tryhards when they are in a group but are shy little butterflys when they are then confronted with an actual challenge.

Hilarious that they are now on here annoyed that they got cheated out of their “easy” kills :slight_smile:

Gotcha, sorry then :slight_smile:


I will have to admit I made mistake and misread. I did insert the word Alliance were it was not. I do apologize for making that assumption. I also agree that I should have read your post a second time before posting. ><

It wasn’t anything you wrote, but more what i preserved and that’s my fault not yours. Again I apologize.


No worries thanks for being cool :slight_smile:


I heard my name whats up? lol

I disagree, I have personally done it. Join a group WQ and phase out from the 10-20 alliance attacking. Thanks aspect of the turtle!

Amount of horde queuing versus amount of Alliance and skirmishes havent been very popular in Alliance since legion launched.


Abuse of a system to get away from combat because you’re losing is exploitation.


I have no problems with 1v1s, we can duel any time. I have never once joined in on a lopsided fight, it’s too annoying to have it happen to yourself. I have always gone small groups or solo. When I go with friends we would always let duels happen if the enemy faction was just 1 person. I am specifically talking about more the people that will instigate the fight start to lose and then pull that crap.