Phases on a hypothetical permanent TBC era

For a permanent TBC era, I like the idea of being able to choose your phase pve-wise. Probably on a per character basis, maybe you have to talk to an npc in the Caverns of Time to change it. You’d still be able to see/group with everyone, but items from vendors would be limited to their respective phase along with places like the Isle of Quel’Danas. It would let players/guilds progress at their own rate and maybe a way you could access pre-nerf encounters. I think it would add a lot to the game. It just seems odd to me to shrink the experience down by locking it to the last phase, particularly when the server is permanent. I know you could impose some of this on yourself but I think official support is a lot more fun than just pretending. Maybe you could even choose pre-patch and lock yourself out of Outland and cap yourself at 60, for those who want to do the Vanilla content with TBC talents… Thoughts?

I think it would splinter the playerbase in not great ways. But I wouldn’t mind phases lasting longer.

I mean my ideal TBC realm is TBC races and classes in Era Azeroth for a long time (months, not years), experiencing that content with the new class balance and then the Dark Portal opens and we all go through to Outland.

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