Phase2 cannot release until server population is under control

I can live with that, there were ques in classic… There already been threads about why layers is bad, or how it long term probably already had some big impact… but ultimatly before phase 2, layers will be gone, so just remove it

It doesnt matter, if blizzard sticks true to their word then layering should be gone by the end of blizzcon at the latest.

Was this sarcasm? I can’t tell anymore with these forums…since retail over ran us.

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They will do what they’ve been doing. Opening up new realms, drop a layer, let folks see queues hoping they move. That’s how they plan to remove layering by phase 2.

Remove layering by phase 2 wasnt the promise. The promise was remove layering in a few weeks to couple months, such that by phase 2 layering was gone.

It would have been better to design it to where the world is sharded, but the world bosses aren’t. The game just isn’t designed for this many people. When layering is gone, this game is going to be a trainwreck. You think farming or tagging mobs is hard now? Wait until we’re not split up between layers.

People will be in queues. they said they were going to have vanilla realm pops after layering is removed

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Yes. Why not just have a tree of servers that merge together as population decreases. This isn’t the live version where people believe at least that realms will continue forever. We know ahead of time that the population will be much less once all the content is released. If people had confidence that low pop realms wouldn’t be left to linger the queues on the heaviest realms wouldn’t be as long and they could even open more realms to transfer to and then reabsorb them if their populations drop below a certain level. At least the server community you start with is kept in tact and the compromise seems less to me than layering has been.


Imagine trying to down Kazak on a world with 15,000 people and only 1 layer. Any time someone near him dies he regent massive amounts of health. On a PvP server this will be absolutely nuts. I’m fully prepared to bathe in all the cries these forums are bound to receive from their guild being smashed repeatedly by multiple guilds every time they engage kazak. Lol

Even a megaserver/perma layering would work fine with world bosses if you were willing to make changes. IE: use a retail style per-person weekly lockout system and just have the bosses spawn a lot more frequently. This would anger the purists greatly though.

I think they expected numbers to jump & crash, but instead they jumped, dipped a bit, and now are growing, so theyre confused and dont know what to do, as their plan relyed on a population crash that didnt happen, and now theyre facing the monster of population growth on servers that are already over-crowded.

Except I guess you didn’t think of the receiving server’s balance huh? If you only let horde transfer off you are just creating another imbalance in a different server.

Probably the only decent solution to this problem would be to combine 2 similar servers that have opposite ratios. Ex. 90/10 Horde combines with 90/10 Alliance. Then offer free transfers off this mega server to a brand new server while forcing faction balance during transfers.

Another, but more conflicted, solution would be to put in a forced balance queue. With options for free transfers to the opposite lopsided server. Ex. A 90/10 Horde dominated server would have insane queues for Horde and 0 queues for Alliance. Then you offer free transfers for the Horde to a 90/10 Alliance dominated server. You do the same thing but opposite for the 90/10 Alliance dominated server. Eventually both servers will even out, but there will be a lot of hate in this solution

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IIRC the capacity was dynamic and could be 3000 to over 4000 depending on what players were doing. I bet they could allow 5000 on at once without breaking the economy.

Blizzard can’t remove layering if the server populations are still beyond a single layer’s tested capacity.

People need to get that into their heads.

Blizzard has two options:

  1. Delay Phase 2 indefinitely until server populations decrease on their own or through brute-force repopulation methods.

  2. Release Phase 2 with layering still in effect.

That’s about it folks.

Omfg another layering post. How original. I will tell you it has no effect on my gameplay other then it might have sped up leveling very slightly for me. I never abused the layering system so I don’t think it really even did that. Will it effect work boss spawns or some crap. Probably. That’s why it’s getting removed by phase 2. You people griping about layering are just looking for crap to gripe about. Its in the game it’s eventually going away. Find something else to whine about.

I mean… it’s more of a “servers are overpopulated” post. We all see the disaster thats coming if blizz reduce the population cap to 2500 or 3500. Even “medium” servers are going to have multi-hour queues.

I think they should start dynamically reducing layers now; the higher the total population, the more, and earlier, the layers are removed. This will start giving impetus for people to transfer to less populated servers while also preparing them for the reality of there being only one layer eventually. I’d also like to see layering removed entirely on RP servers as it makes gathering, especially for larger group stuff, difficult.

Seems like you rushed to 60 and are on a bad server.

I’m having a pretty good time. Must be a personal problem.

Exactly. They should always only allow transfers for the overpopulated side.

Why don’t/didn’t they just lock full realms against new players? Even the more innocuous seeming high population servers still have queues, one month later, and it is still incredibly frustrating.

Maybe just stop letting people join them and inflating the pop?