Phase 7 - The Emerald Dream

No changes. Post naxx content is tbc and wrath. There already exists a game that whitewashes away what was done and that’s OSRS. Go play that.

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Looks like someone hasn’t done enough island expeditions. The dragon isles and a few other locations hinted at since vanilla are likely to make their appearance in retail. Maybe as soon as 8.3.

I’d love to see it one day after Nax has been out out a while, but only as a separate Classic+ server type. I still think the original classic game should be preserved. I have always wanted to see an expansive Emerald Dream zone, like was in the original Vanilla game files.

All of those things in the vanilla files were test objects and maps. Once blizzard knew they were gonna come out with an expansion and decided the best ideas were to be made into TBC, that was when said content was never going to be in vanilla. In case you and others think hellfire peninsula was supposed to be in vanilla.

That would be an Epic Blizzcon announcement! So much Hype would be expressed.

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Don’t want it. The fact that no one wants to acknowledge is that there is no reality that exists where new content could be designed that captures the spirit or feel of Vanilla WoW. Even if you brought every person still alive who designed Vanilla WoW and paid them each millions of dollars do to it, it couldn’t be done.


It would be nice if they could keep the level cap at 60, but introduce new and exciting content in a way for horizontal progression (games like GW2 do this with the Living World Stories). Implement things in a way that doesn’t make existing content immediately go extinct (like retail). If they do TBC, they should not do flying mounts, but add in additional flight paths or something.

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So here’s the thing: They have so much to draw from, that this would actually be super easy. They could add a quest hub fishing village outside Stranglethorn that mirrors Nat Pagle’s refuge from MoP. They could add a skiff system like the one in BfA and have new quest hubs pop up along the routes, or simply add a route. They could add underground dungeons in any zone they want. They could add wings to ST or BFD, or add a new raid under Silithus or behind ZF.

There are tons of ways to expand on what they have, and all it takes is some vision and planning beyond “WE GOTTA DO A HUGE EXPANSION WITH ZOMG LAZER RACES YO!”

That being said, at some point they do have to raise the level cap. At some point, after you’re decked out in T1 or T2, the world feels much less perilous. This is where it’s necessary to have new zones or islands or floating space asteroid planets.

Good idea though! I love your line of thinking!

True, once you get gear, the world can feel super easy in certain areas. Why do you say they have to raise the level cap? They could try to come up with a system that allows characters to stay at level 60, while still “progressing” in some manner, which keeps old content relevant. New end-game zones, raids, and world events (NOT world quests) would be amazing.

Personally, I would like to see the Classic profession system expanded to have more rare raid-tier recipes, and have some of the crafting materials drop from raid bosses. For example, a new set of BIS BoE Mage Robes could be made by tailors who loot the BoP recipe, but the materials required to craft it are a mix of high-end cloth and looted components from raids like MC, BWL, etc.

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original 40man Karazhan from the Vanilla WoW Alpha says, “Hold my beer…”


I see what you’re saying. I wonder if they could do an AA type path like EQ. Something that would refine certain areas of the character’s build and toolkit, or flesh out other skills that aren’t necessarily tied to damage or healing, etc.

I did like the Archaeology profession earlier on. I wonder if they could use some of the later professions for expanding the world? Inscription folk work together to relearn some ancient spell that opens a dungeon or raid. Archaeologists work to find the remnants of a stone circle that opens a new zone or raid or dungeon.

More than just AQ’s type of opening, but less huge in scope. I don’t know. Spit-balling is fun though!

I agree with all of this!

why is it such a problem for people that want an extended content server? And if you watch the blizz making craft doc…they say they had tons on intended content for vanilla brought into later expacs. I want that new content in vanilla format not new expac format. I am not the only player that wants this. Cool make two servers one expanded that you xfer to and you can stay on your up to Naxx only server

No thanks. Make a WoW 2 if you want an AU set of expansions. Keep new Classic content small.

forking development from retail???


the only thing they have in common is the project name

Its much simpler to bring retail back to form (expunge the systems people dislike) and then add said content through that route. Developing from scratch two competing WoW games is a way to ensure that one ends up dying out. Much easier and sane to release static versions of vanilla (as they are with Classic), TBC and Wrath (hopefully), and then put development of new content for redefined retail (which will then have no LFR, no titanforging, and non-mmorpg elements removed, etc).

Also it’s inane to ask for Karazhan and Hyjal (easy examples) in Classic when those were literally added in TBC.

Nothing that was added in retail should ever be considered for a classic+ server, nor should a classic+ server ever come about. Go play OSRS to get that fix.

I’d open up Vanilla versions of Kara, Mount Hyjal (raid and zone with dungeons) & ZA.

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Good big words it is helping your stance. One game dieing does not mean it wont happen. Kara and hyjal in TBC is mot vanilla hyjal and kara. Most of us imagine it redone in ways to make more sense with vanilla story. Not just copy and paste. #languageartsmatters. And if you wanna talk business it makes more sense to go with a classic plus idea. My reasoning is runescape. Runescape is more popular than ever and they went back to their format that was most popular and built off horizontally to the story/stats. Woowooweewee but the stats hike from naxx gear is already woowooweee. They can tweak some stat items on new content gear to eliminate that being an issue. Woowooweewee but the retail community vs classic community will woowoo divide. What if there is a larger community to exist in a server with some fresh content past Naxx? I think you just want TBC and Wotlk which also has its following.

I am down for all of this!

My man. Let’s start a revolution. This is the era movement. #eramovement

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