Phase 7 please blizzard make it fun for naxx some ideas

Let’s be honest the level 1 runes was an amazing idea I’m having a lot of fun leveling alts with friends that being said Naxx make it fun blizzard

  1. Don’t super overtune naxx with hard mode dumb stuff just simple make all the bosses drop more loot 2-3 pieces more, and extra tiers let’s have fun with the game
  2. Add a neck rune secretly make it simple for instant for pallys
    tank neck rune righteous fury makes you take 10% less damage
    DPS rune make exorcism do 20% more damage
    Healing make beacon of light target take 10% less damage or 10% more healing that simple of rune
  3. Make the shoulder tier runes easy to get and make it able to change between tiers anytime don’t lock us in with you choose one tier if you made a bad choice alwell let us change tiers and experiment at will anytime
  4. Remove naxx attunement why we paying to save the world
  5. Kara crypts make it a 10 man raid and SM a 20 man raid
  6. Make it fun make it easier to obtain legendaries make em more accessible for the average person atiesh for instance, add new ones, my guild ran MC every week thru phase 4 and 5 we saw zero rag eyes and only 2 garr bindings no baron bindings
  7. Blizzard you got endless ways to make this even better people aren’t always gonna be pleased but being OP is fun
  8. For the average reader I read hate hate hate on this thread all the time I think SOD has been amazing can’t please everyone it’s a lot better than normal classic enjoy the game guys make it fun blizzard make us more OP
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Why no hard mode? Just do the easy raid

well hardmodes sure add them but make it themed around the wings not just its hard