Nightmare Grove
-please do something to make the 4 green dragons relevant. i’ve been trying to find a group since phase 6 release to do the bosses, but there is none, because they are not relevant, nobody wants their drops -
Large Obsidian Shard
-Increase it’s drop by a huge margin. Obsidian-Infused Thorium bar are going for 500g each now on AH, and every class bis Trinket is a craftable that requeries a bunch of these, for example Warrior tanking trinket requeries 15 of these, so 7.5k gold LFMAO -
New flasks and consumes
-AH is inflated, to an unhealthy state. New flasks and consumes prices are not reasonable, you guys have to act fast and increase the supply of those new mats… -
AQ40 bugs
-After wiping at Twin Emperors HM an eye popped in the middle of the room and bricked our raid ID, we were stuck in combat permanently without being able to hit the gongs and the room was sealed, so we couldn t even get inside to kill the eye and reset the enconter
I was having a blast in SOD Phase 4 & 5, but this phase so far has been very frustating to say the least.
Please act quick, before the playerbase drops even more in SOD!