Phase 4 Arenas please! PVP

It’s a simple post not much to it…

Please add 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 arenas to Sod Phase 4.

Bringing arenas to the classic experience for the first time, would be such a fresh take on things.


we’ve had arenas since tbc so about 18 years? they arnt fresh and arena is trash there’s a reason nobody plays them anymore


Arenas are probably top on the list of worst idea possible of things to implement into SoD lol.

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Cross-faction rated BG solo queue would be much better and more aligned with vanilla, but we know the players would never accept cross-faction, even though they slurped up every other retail “qol” change. Additionally, WSG would have to be completely reworked for obvious reasons.

Yup, I agree with this. BGs have been the most fun so far in SoD. Those ugly, terrible, laborious, maze-like, labyrinthian, smelly, poopy Gnomer and ST “raids” are not fun and I hated going to those instances always.

Won’t even talk about Incursions and Blood Moon, pure jokes, pure shooting through terrain.

I also wouldn’t mind getting an entirely new BG. It doesn’t need to be on the scale of Plunderstorm or Seething Shore or Strand, it can just be a small deathmatch type thing with a 15 minute timer, whichever side had the most kills wins or just make another CTF but make it completely flat and put proper LoS objects in it.

It’s really lame having every form of PVP be a wide open field where you get shot down from 100 yards away.

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Another vote for arena and rated BGs. Yes please.

However, lately I’ve been getting the sense that the devs are only focused on optimizing for the PVEers and Warcraft logs… I don’t think they care about pvpers… which is why I’m close to quitting the game.

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Not that they wouldn’t change their minds but I thought they said right at the start there would be no arena or rated bg in SoD.

theres an arena in STV. go have your player-driven event there.

you can even do 4v4. where else can you do that?

Rated BGs, yes

Arenas, no. With how broken PvP balance is in SOD I think Arenas would be a terrible idea and increase the QQ on these forums 100 fold.

I dunno man, arenas in classic sound tragic… arenas were terrible in TBC and got some traction in WOTLK due to overall gameplay changes. Rated BGs is more akin to an era style of play.

Just add arenas for fun with no rewards why would it matter

Do you know what game you’re playing? People only do things in WoW for rewards, even if they don’t like doing them, like incursions.

Maybe… just maybe…

I do not think Arenas would be a good fit for classic of any sort. I would be 100% on board with them implementing RBGs though. That is a much better fit and may give them a bit more structure to balance PvP around.

this, and tbh idec if there is zero rewards. just add rated arenas with no incentives other than to flex on each other. basically rated skrims

or even this, but rbg with cosmetics

As long as Blizzard doesn’t balance around Arena I see no problem with adding it. Of course if those who do it then complain about broken combos in 2v2 and 3v3 their account should be banned.

I would do arena if it just awarded honor. It doesn’t need its own gear and rating and all that other crap.

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unless those arenas give multiple forms of rep ontop of just playing them you’re a minority in this real talk

Sure, why not. Rep from all BG factions and honor. It’s seasonal, we don’t need everything to take 50 years.

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