Phase 3 ulduar changes?

I’ve said it so many times but i’m going to keep saying it Blizzard give us RDF AND JJ And make it cross faction as well as cross realm.

And nerf Ulduar I mean even people that are clearing it that can do at at this point. Probably just want to get it done it over with.

They’ve had the achievement they’ve done it over and over again I would think they just kind of want to go in there and get it done Once a raid is on Farm I don’t think people really want it to be hard. They just want to get it done and over with.

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They should leave Uld alone, the balance is fine

will we get the ICC 25 man loot drops now from heroic+ dungeons?

Ok Speaking from Somebody that has looked at the rate fights that people are having so much problems with.

And Has not actually got a chance to do them yog and algallon When I look at the mechanics it feels like 50% Of guilds the reason why they would be wiping would be 2 Raisins more with yog than algolon.

1 algallon The timer Because you only have an hour to do that it causes stress pressure. It’s the same concept as a speed run not everybody’s up for that or wants to do it.

But the main thing with the fight does look like it would be tank damage From the outside looking in.

2 yog 1,0 Those mechanics aren’t hard but I’ll say it it’s probably pars culture People care more about game that really high parse than killing the boss.

Is people get ready they don’t get out of the clouds There’s a good amount of moving parts kiting the ads.

I could see people staying too long Not looking your pain attention to their sanity so people get mine controlled.

If you’re asking me someone from the outside looking in that has watched the fights and people do the fights. I would agree they don’t look that hard.

And a lot of it I could say people being greedy they want that high parse Instead of actually folks in killing the boss That would be my assumption.

What if you do look at the player base I could see 50% Guilds struggling with those fights because of those reasons.

But I still stick by the stance of Whether they be Is too hard for 50% Mechanically I don’t think the classic player base wants super hard raids.

SSC AND TK Pray nerve people burnt out and left guess what they came back after the nerves.

But anyway that would be my take at least.

P.S. Before anyone says what right do you have to say anything that you haven’t even done the fights Yeah.

I didn’t need to do Vash and Kelvoss Which i’m probably saying his name wrong see why people didn’t like it Vash the mc What’s his name Is a piroblast with the legendary shield.

Did these make the fight harder yeah doesn’t he make it better they were tedious and annoying I didn’t need to do those fights to see exactly why people got burned out.

TK Especially because of the reset on the emissaries And it was so easy to mess up In the mind control with a stupid dagger.

So yeah I don’t need to necessarily do a fight to say oh that’s why Certain things don’t work or why it’s annoying.

A good raid leader is key. A good raid leader with patience … Now that’s someone you stay with all expansion. My Lock has his AOC and I am totally on board with nerfs when TOC comes out … Just makes farming easy , helping newbies gear , easier that’s all.

Happy Hunting all!

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