Phase 3 - "Just release WSG"

From one of the many people who brought up Phase 2 months before it happened…

We have… Phase 3. Releasing WSG and AV…

Warsong Gulch

  • Warsong Gulch will look like RBGs in terms of the density of Premades existing.
  • There may actually be a premade AoE meta that comes out of this similar to the way things happened on Retail. Maybe the burst potential of Vanilla might stop it from happening and allow the class-diverse Vanilla Meta to stick around.
  • Even though some people had worries about queue dodging due to no deserter debuff, the sheer density of premades running WSG will be so high that dodging won’t be a problem.
  • Forums will be flooded with things like “Create a premade queue” or “Go find a group if you can’t win” and other JUNK like that.
  • There will be QQ about things like Druids, Consumables, Blessing of Freedom, PoM Pyro, the lack of a 25 minute timer resulting in some serious corpse camping…

Meanwhile in AV land

  • People are gonna be surprised (or not surprised) at the speed of which games will go in 1.12 AV land.
  • Some groups will clear fast and it might spawn the standard QQ about AV speed being a blind zerg. But there’s something much more interesting that have existed in Private Server metas…
  • Horde can LEAVE IW GY alliance controlled and wipe the initial raid while 40+ people camp it…spamming AoE and farming people that way.
  • Alliance can also leave IW GY or FW GY horde controlled while 40+ people camp it the same way.

TLDR - If you guys weren’t ready for Phase 2, just wait till phase 3 :wink:

529 votes and 7 comments so far on Reddit

Figured I put this here with all the people asking for Phase 3 thinking their problems will fade away. And for Archival purposes.

Can’t wait.

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