Phalynx of Courage character pose

EDIT: As of Patch 9.0.5 on March 9th, this has been fixed! Thank crap.


I’m not sure if it’s a bug, but when I ride my new Phalynx of Courage from the Kyrian campaign on my human paladin, my legs are spread super far out and it looks incredibly uncomfortable and awkward :joy:

Is this intended? Or should the legs be closer together like on other mounts?


I was wondering if I was the only one who noticed this awkwardness!!! sucks cause the mount looks so sick but my male human looks like he’s trying to do the splits LOL

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It reminds me of Draenei males a bit. Looks super uncomfortable to ride around on :joy:

Bump for visibility. Is this still intended for our characters to straddle the Phalynx this widely? It looks extremely silly and it’s hard to take it seriously. :frowning:

yup, can’t even ride the mount because of how goofy it looks

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still lookin goofy. unsure why players have the character sitting model used for the venthyr dog/bear mounts

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eternal phalynx of courage also has the weird ultra wide straddling. so its safe to assume they all have the goofy straddle.


Noticed this right when I got it on my Blood Elf female. Can’t ride it like that :joy:

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Super disappointing to get this only to realize that I can’t use it with the horribly awful sitting animation. It’s far too wide, as everyone else has stated. Hopefully it’ll get fixed however I’m not holding my breath. I have another mount which I’ve already made a post about (on my mage) and that one has been messed up for a bit as well with no fix.

Bump. This character pose ruins the mount.

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I 100% agree. It’s kinda sad because it’s an amazing looking Mount but I can’t ride it because of the dumb looking posing on it.