I’m on Petopia looking for pets that apply a dot to enemies but I’m coming up empty. Do any pets have this ability?
Scorpids but only in classic.
No, all pets do the same damage. With the exception of Chimera’s because they have frost blast which is a channel and actually a dps loss to use
Boy that homogenization killedall the flavor, huh?
I mean next season all the hunters doing end game are going to be using Aqiri pets since you can change any pet to whatever spec you want. And Aqiri run 30% faster so better choice for uptime and target swapping
I want “ranged” pets back… having a pet that used ranged attacks was fun in pvp, buy the qq took them away.
Pets with different damage types and ranges or different damage-affecting abilities seem cool, but they are legit hard to balance and one always comes out being the meta.
Take what’s said immediately above:
That’s not wrong, but the difference you’ll experience running an Aqiri is going to be tiny except on a couple fights.
Back in Wrath, on the other hand, Wolf was so obviously superior to all other choices that you ran it in all specs even as Beast Mastery in preference to exotic pets. And everybody complained “Can’t I run a pet besides my Wolf?” Well, if you make pets with different damage-affecting abilities, then some are going to be better than others.
In Cata, when every pet brought a unique buff, I had this complex flow chart of what pet to bring based on the raid composition. Of course, since I was part of a regular raiding guild, the comp didn’t change much night to night, so I was almost always bringing the same pet. Our top healer was a Shaman, so I never had to bring bloodlust, for example.
My memory is murky, but I think it was either MoP or Draenor that pets got the closest they’ve ever been to interchangeable skins – you could switch their specs as is coming in 11.1 and they got rid of most of the essential buffs and had already gotten rid of pet damage abilites by then, I think.
I forget which expansion they got rid of spec switching (anyone want to fill that in?), but I never understood why. And people still complained. They wanted different pets to be special, not remembering what a headache that had been only an expansion or two before.
I think the system coming in 11.1 is going to be about the best take they’ve ever had on it, so I’m looking forward to giving it a try.
The Worm Guild of Azeroth is offended that you have forgotten about the Worm Burrow ability!
Nope. Aqiri are Exotic pets only usable by BM’s
oh no… anyways