Pets still Hilariously Overtuned

It wont be interesting at all. They’re gonna nerf it to the point the pet is trash. Because no thought whatsoever goes into hunter fixes.

I mean we have one gimmick left and there it goes. God forbid we get to tank too.

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Maybe you’re just bad.

Yeah and you’re full of it

That’s in the phase (level bracket) that Hunters have always performed the best in dps comparatively.

There is thought going into it which is why they been taking time trying to figure out how to fix it and reversed changes. If there was no thought going into it this wouldn’t be the case.

The problem is Pets themselves cause a lot of game design issues if they have even the slightest bit of strength. This is just the way it is and always has been. So if you gut Pets then the game is better for everyone but then that is a problem for Pet Classes.

I do think there should be better Runes for BM that aren’t just multiplicative boost which is making Pets Raid Boss Damage bots.

With that said I just got my Scorpid Pet and it’s just exponentially more powerful than other pets even at level 10. The first application of poison is doing 34 damage per tick. I named my pet RaidBossLove. It’s just broken.

Well it happened not that there was any doubt.

Well looks like major fixes tomorrow. Maybe it was finally starting my alt Hunter and getting Scorpid today.

good work we got it fixed

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Oh no, not the poor warrior! He died to a hunter?! In 20 years this has never happened. Nerf hunters. Let’s just ignore the 300+ dps warriors are doing right now.


Those are some nice change cant wait to try it

My level 18 paladin has never lost agro to a hunter pet in about 50 dungeons. My 25 warrior has never lost agro to a hunter pet in BFD… so not sure if its a player issue or not but its not a “pet is broken tank” issue.

Maybe you aren’t understanding originally the Devs said it wasn’t our intention for Pets to be the best Tank in the game. That’s why later when they released the Hotfixes they said this.

Pets have exponentially more health, armor and do way more damage than Tanks. Totally not okay. Since the Pets dots are also outperforming Dots Classes. Is how broken they are starting to sink in?

Parties weren’t inviting Tanks cause the Hunter has a better Tank with his Pet. Or the Hunter can just solo the Bosses and instance.

Yeah, your weapon should be attackable and have less hp than you too. So if a player wants to they can directly break your sword and disable all your damage permanently.

This doesn’t make any sense and the mental gymnastics you are trying to pull is ridiculous. Just stop you aren’t making any valid points.

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So it’s ok for a hunters pet to be doing 100+dps on its own and main tanking raids, but a warrior isn’t allowed to have decent damage when they attack a non moving target dummy?

What is your logic here?

The pet is the hunters weapon. The fact that it can be killed is equivalent to killing a warriors sword.

Wrong. Pets doing damage is bad for the game and it just makes people quit because it’s not fun.

its fun for the hunter

Wrong pets doing damage is fun. Warriors doing 50% more damage than everyone else for 20 years is not fun. Nerf warrior dps by 75%.


Not in this game. It looks like Wind Serpents need to be addressed and the game will be unplayable till that happens.

Hopefully the Devs can make another adjustment so we can get Pets in a good spot.

Bad for the game? Tell me your reasoning please.

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