Pets still Hilariously Overtuned

So apparently as a hunter i can use two different runes on my gloves at the same time, instantly recall my pet then resummon him at full health and focus in a berserk state that can kill an otherwise unstoppable rogue or warlock who actually got fun new play styles in two hits. Guess I didn’t get the memo.

Incorrect. Hunters only complain when they are stream-lined down one singular build… which we are now. I for one would love BM to get nerfed and explosive/chim get tuned back to where they need to be.

Trust me - you hate being killed my scorps and BM hunters, as a hunter I absolutely hate playing BM, it’s beyond braindead, it makes warlocks look like elite level classes to play.

man! I need those gloves, even if i go from flight path to flight path when I call my pet out, hes at less thant 50% life (even if he was full before taking the trip) also, he is less happy so I have to feed him. Hell that pet has ate more in game food than I eat in a month. Dont even get me started in warsong… each time I die (even if my pet is at 100%) when i get rezzed at the spirit graveyard, my pet comes back at less thatn 50% so I have ot heal him up before actually goes on the field of battle…

I would LOVE love LOVE gloves or anyhting to have a 100% pet that is always Happy

can you imagine what kinda of stuff we would hear from warlocks if they summoned a grape demon and the demon refused to do anything unless you fed it 100 souls and each time you mounted or took a flight path, you had to feed it 100 souls or it just would run away and you would have to go to some demon realm to find another demon and start to capture it to only a dork paladin laugh at you as you are 1 second from ensalving it to smack it and break your charm? oh that would be a hoot

People want hunters to be the STAT STICK CLASS whenever hunters are good people cry about the class. I just know people will say but but op broken scorp/wind pet…

So a main component of the Hunters class when specced into the Pet mastery is doing more damage then 2 locks dots? And it can be CCd or killed. Oh whoa that’s terrible…/s


Locks are insanely op in pvp, nerf them and then you can cry and make hunters literally useless after.

They will nerf BM don’t worry.

They will never do this hunters never get buffed…

We will be forced down the STAT STICK BUILD

Scorps will get the old yeller treatment.

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Truly the greatest tragedy of our time. We should just delete hunters at this point, they’re too harmful.

Every class can, that’s what happens when you buff damage but health remains the same.

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Will be interesting to see what they do. As stated they are the best tanks in the game. They also do more damage than most Classes. So obviously they hold threat better and basically can’t die.

They will make pets useless this is blizzard after all so don’t worry.

It’s so crazy the number of hunters crying while being the literaly WSG Gods and PvE Top #1 Dps.

Finally some balance is coming and they are literally writing post :slight_smile:




It wont be interesting at all. They’re gonna nerf it to the point the pet is trash. Because no thought whatsoever goes into hunter fixes.

I mean we have one gimmick left and there it goes. God forbid we get to tank too.

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Maybe you’re just bad.

Yeah and you’re full of it

That’s in the phase (level bracket) that Hunters have always performed the best in dps comparatively.

There is thought going into it which is why they been taking time trying to figure out how to fix it and reversed changes. If there was no thought going into it this wouldn’t be the case.

The problem is Pets themselves cause a lot of game design issues if they have even the slightest bit of strength. This is just the way it is and always has been. So if you gut Pets then the game is better for everyone but then that is a problem for Pet Classes.

I do think there should be better Runes for BM that aren’t just multiplicative boost which is making Pets Raid Boss Damage bots.

With that said I just got my Scorpid Pet and it’s just exponentially more powerful than other pets even at level 10. The first application of poison is doing 34 damage per tick. I named my pet RaidBossLove. It’s just broken.

Well it happened not that there was any doubt.

Well looks like major fixes tomorrow. Maybe it was finally starting my alt Hunter and getting Scorpid today.

good work we got it fixed

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Oh no, not the poor warrior! He died to a hunter?! In 20 years this has never happened. Nerf hunters. Let’s just ignore the 300+ dps warriors are doing right now.