Pets now die a lot?

Since season 4 started, my BM hunter’s pets seem to die about twice per timewalking dungeon. More in raids and PVP. Yes I have them on assist. Not doing anything different. This almost never happened in season 3. What gives?


You need more gear. Things have been scaled up so they do more dmg. The more geared the hunter is the stronger the pets are. Happens every beginning of expac or season.


The Illidari Council was absolutely butchering my hunter’s poor pets over and over again in BT TW raid. Probably had to res them like four times during the encounter.


This is a really good illustration of the problem because there is no ‘get stronger’ in timewalking. It’s all normalized no matter what gear you have.


The tank isn’t holding aggro. I had this problem on my hunter and warlock. I die all the time in keys on my paladin because the tanks simply don’t hit the mobs in a timely fashion.


same even in many m+ dungeons. there have been multiple instances where i had to res my pet 4-5-6 times in 1 run.

imo hunter pets should be unkillable within instances. they should only die and or despawn upon the hunters death. almost 20 years of me suggesting this and here we still are.

pets should not die in raids or dungeons unless the hunter dies. people should not be having to fit “res pet” into their usual regular rotation.

i understand that this happens alot during a new gear chase and being undergeared and whatnot as per usual. but it just should not be. easy, simple fix.


Turn off growl?

I haven’t lost a pet yet in S4. Well, except when I sacrifice him to make my escape when I happen to be someplace I really shouldn’t be. But we don’t talk about that.


Growl is automatically turned off when you enter an instance.

Also, they haven’t fixed the last boss in HoI, so when the tank gets “pushed” your pets take the next hit which can kill them and that’s annoying.


This may sound crazy, but please hear me out: Wait until the tank hits things before attacking?


Mana tombs, and Botanica especially. Yet to have one die in blood furnace.

I’m waiting an adequate amount of time. The tanks are not hitting their buttons. Their first job is to hit the mobs.


Yea TW is different since all your gear scale down. But as a BM I think my pet only die once when I was doing the TW raid. Maybe you have growl turn on? oh and yes use your mend pet.

But my pet is fine doing M+ did a find +6 and no pet death starting ilvl 486 and now Ilvl 497.

We need a veterinarian class.


I did on my ret pally but I still go aggro for like half of the mobs before the tree boss. I waited a few secs before I start attacking. My front load AoE built just rips aggro XD

when Im grouped with a good tank, my pet barely takes damage.
When the tank is a clown, Ive had to heal/rez half a dozen times


two things

either the pet is ripping aggro from the tank - nothing you can do here but maybe wait a bit before sending them in


the pet is getting hit by ground effects, aoe, or casts. its not supposed to be like that, but they get hit by stuff on the ground sometimes, especially if the content is older and not adjusted

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I leveled a fresh BM this past week and noticed that even before she was in the 60-70 bracket, certain TW dungeons would absolutely destroy her pets. Growl was off, pets did not have any consistent aggro. It seemed like aoe would sap the life right out of them within seconds while trying to dps certain adds.

TWs are supposed to scale. That’s why I can queue for them at 30+. Yet, the scaled damage seems incredibly wonky this time compared to past TW events. I have also noticed on my paladin that aoe damage while in certain dungeons is almost unsoakable, to such an extent that if tank doesn’t pull them out of the aoe it simply isn’t worth the repair bill to dps them when the healer can’t heal through the damage being done and my own self-sustaining heals are barely touching up the lost health.

The experiences on my Paladin are what makes me believe the main issue is connected specifically to scaling of aoe abilities.


I am undergeared per the new ilvl needed for m+ for sure. (496) But i managed to get into many m+ dungeons and my pets didnt die all that often. In fact only time i think they did doe is of the tank died and they took aggro.

It supposed to be. But I’ve noticed that sometimes it doesn’t or some addons will interfere with it.

It would be such a joy if players would target my target. What happens is that each dps targets a different mob. The entire pack should have come to me, because I pulled the one they were leashed to. Instead, they’re all over the field being soloed by ranged.