Pets keep coming back, will not dismiss

Same here with my hunter. I noted it last week. But admittedly I hadn’t been on my hunter in months. So I wasn’t sure if it was a bug or something intended.

I hate to be that guy

But you may just have to do away with em’ like old yeller. :confused:

For now, I have my pets in the stable. But to get them out again I will have to find a near by stable. They have to fix this bug.

I really dont understand what Blizzards issue with when it comes to addressing this for us pet users. They are totally silent on it and its absolutely inexcusable they refuse to address their customer base about it.

They wont even simply admit if its intended or not.

Well this is annoying. Doroz I know it’s not great but engineers make a portable hunter stable if you want.

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I’m leveling a warlock, now 64, and have been having major pet issues also. Felguard randomly disappearing, or, even if he is around I’m unable to use “command demon” without resummoning.

Occasionally during combat “command demon” ability just disappears even if the pet does not die. This happens frequently if he goes out of range, especially in pvp.

Starlagosa, thank you! I was just thinking last night that the one thing I wanted was a portable stable master, having no idea it actually existed. A bit embarrassing when this girl’s both a hunter and an engineer, but I haven’t been paying much attention to professions. I will rectify that as soon as possible. It’s going to go a long way towards making this bug more bearable on my 8 hunters.

Most welcome! So glad to help. :smiley_cat:
It’s worth getting engineering up just to use this device…it’s really adorable!

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I have this problem too, mainly while playing. I just give my cats a belly rub and toss a toy in the other room.

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Can confirm that this bug is alive and well after today’s (4/2) patch. :-/


In my experience, NO amount of testing (by 5 or even 50 people) will catch everything. The testers can never imagine EVERY possible combination of actions that millions of users will do.

Dismiss a pet, THEN mount, THEN unmount. Who tests that? Who would think of testing that, for every single patch over 14 years? Nobody, that’s who! It would never occur to testers to THINK of that combination of actions. There are roughly 500,000,000 other combinations of actions like that. No human can imagine them all, and no human has time to test them all. You don’t test thousands of different scenarios (THAT HAVE NEVER HAD A BUG IN 14 YEARS). You can’t. Not unless you add 6 months delay to every patch.

Blizzard can we get an answer if this change was intended or not and if intended there is any consideration of reverting?

Sometimes dead is better

As an update, this is still an ongoing problem for me, but now the game seems to “fix” it - for a while - then it begins again. Same as it ever was.

Is anyone even working on this??? The minions get in the way of gameplay. Seems to me that this would be a great reason to make fixing the problem a priority.

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Just happened to me too … it was Skoll :frowning:

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Zombie thread confirmed!

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they just love you. please dont send them away :cry:

Oh man it coulda been real bad, what if it was Loque’nahak? That one is a b**ch to get.

That would have made me hopping mad, then just break down and cry!

edit: sorry didnt realize this was a necro thread :disappointed_relieved:

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don’t apologise.

it’s still relevant.

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