Pets are not growling *Update*

**Updated to say, since this post my pets have growled flawlessly on random regular mobs. On ANYTHING that is elite or higher such as rares … out in the world… growl is not working as intended. I let my pets pull, they have 100% aggro on these mobs, I hit them once… one arrow, nothing spectacular at all and BAM… theyre chasing me down for blood. PLEASEEEE fix this… please …

Am I the only one or have any of you noticed your pets growl not working as intended? In open world its just not working. Its on, that is obvious but they are not using it when they should be. This is annoying and it is something I personally have dealt with throughout the years but never posted about it. Have not seen any recent posts concerning this. Hoping it is something that goes away on its own or a problem that will be addressed!


The only time I’ve noticed it is on certain elite bosses that I believe are meant for group content in the open world. It’s been working fine in delves, on regular mobs and most rares but some rares I’ve had this issue as well. I also had the same issue during DF and especially Shadowlands and is ridiculously annoying

I’m pretty convinced growl is broken at the moment, I’m forever manually clicking it… Pet’s ability to hold aggro is pretty pathetic in general at the moment - been forced to take misdirection just to hold more then 2 mobs at a time.


Ya, mine are not holding aggro for flip and its not because I am doing massive damage, in fact I hit pretty weak.

I was just doing a daily where you have to kill dirt mounds. Was taking me a solid 10-15 seconds to kill each one. A level 75 Demon hunter got on one not far from me and blew it up in about 3 seconds flat.

Then I watched him do it again.

Then I saw a warrior do the same.

Then I went to do a kill 4x elite quest. Was taking me forever to kill it. Pets not holding aggro, damage being meh…a Monk rolls up (literally) and pummels the mob in no time flat.

So I thought I’d watch him solo one…and ya, its confirmed BM simply sucks atm. No damage, bad AOE, pets cant hold aggro.

Not a good feeling after taking 4 years off the game and coming back. Getting buyers remorse feelings.


I hit the growl button manually, and the aggro percentage on me does not drop.

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warlock pets are broken to, it’s the base aggro that is just broken rn.

What level were these people? You know you get weaker as you level up. Right around 76 i noticed a difference while still wearing df normal lvl raid gear.

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I’ve had to manually hit it and feign death like never before.


I have posted a thread in bug reports for this as well today.

[Pets growl not working]

Hoping this gets some love and attention! Fingers crossed!

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Yep, ran into this issue myself. Had to keep manually hitting growl because my pet would not do it.

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just updated this… i thought it was just funny how well it worked after posting this, at least until i ran into an elite or rare mob :frowning: