Petri Flask Meta

It’s been in the game since 1.11, as this is a client based on 1.12, it has existed for the entirety of classic’s lifetime, whether you like it or not. Calling it an exploit is an excuse for you being terrible in a 1-life setting. Just say you can’t raid HC and move on.

Its literally what the item is used for, complete invulnerability. Before people teleported out, they got soulstoned. Also, people just didn’t care because you were immortal. The fact that you don’t like it means literally nothing. You would have an easy argument to not let them be allowed, or have the hardcore servers not allow a dungeon/raid to teleport you out once you are in, either only in combat, or both out of combat and in combat (although these are un-necessary barriers just because you feel personally slighted for no reason), or even the original way to use it where you cant dispell it yourself so if you mistime it you are still screwed.

However, you aren’t doing that. You’re just outright lying that people are cheating just because you don’t like it. Good thing facts don’t care what you like.

You can play SF. You can make a SF guild. What you can’t do is whine like a baby on the forums and make things up in an attempt to make everyone else play like you want to play, with SoD or this. You don’t want to have a way out if someone screws up? Cool. Do it yourself. But to lie is just cringe. I’d say you’re better than that, but we have seen your tirades on the SoD forums.

Yeah I do. You probably don’t. Just like you probably didn’t even know a petri flask existed until people no longer used it. Play the game however you want, but don’t mae things up. What I wish, was that the next fresh server actually started from 1.0 and worked onwards. Although I dont think this will ever be done outside private servers, that is what you can ask for and is the only way you get to play classic without this flask ingame.