Petition: We want Gouge

Blizzards gouging my heart


Except it seems that high skill capped abilities seem to be the only things that get pruned.


Except not really because all they did was take away a charge of Shadow Dance, the CDR is still there.


Sub and Assassination need Gouge back. Make it happen Blizz! :thinking:


That would be so awesome! Make gouge coming back a thing, Blizzard!


Only if Combat gets restored to its former glory and gets garrote. Shiv should be for all specs too but especially for combat. It’s thematically a combat move more then anything

how so? what

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It’s a dirty, underhanded attack that a brawler or street fighter would use, which is what combat was more based on (before this “outlaw/pirate” nonsense)

Garrote is using a wire or cord to strangle someone from behind yea? Or a sharp one to cut their throat?

That’s more of an assassination thing isn’t it? I don’t really associate strangling people from behind with street brawling.

The garrote was widely employed in 17th- and 18th-century India as an assassination device, particularly by the Thuggee Practitioners used a yellow silk or cloth scarf called a rumāl. The Indian version of the garrote frequently incorporates a knot at the center intended to aid in crushing the larynx while someone applies pressure to the victim’s back, usually with a foot or knee.

Since World War II, the garrote has been regularly employed as a weapon by soldiers as a silent means of killing sentries and other enemy personnel

No, I was talking about SHIV when I was talking about it being a combat move.

My mistake in not putting a space between those two sentences

This line is the one that confused me lol. Sorry! I see what you mean now. yeah absolutely shiv is a combat ability lol.