Petition to reconsider the flag cap time in blitz

Rogues and feral druids in particular ruin the fundamentals of node defense with their lengthy cc durations, and the lack of diminishing returns on the cc types they have makes it nearly impossible to defend a node solo.

This leaves you down a person in team fights, as you will need another person to defend a single node, but due to the stealth aspects of these classes, they can check in on your node, see there are two, and join the fight instead.

Either option puts your team at a disadvantage, and the simple fix would either be to nerf sap, blind, and cyclone or change the cap time to the default 6. You only have one trinket, and most classes lack a stun immunity in their base kit (i.e. icebound fortitude).

I just want blitz to be as good as RBG.


There’s a lot of classes that have pets. Like warlock, for example. you can be CC’d and still command your pet to attack. You rarely, if ever “I know I haven’t at least” qued into a blitz where there wasn’t a few hunters, locks or even rets “rets are insane base sitters” to handle this.

The real issue is most people expect the other 7 on their team to do the objectives for them while they have fun doing whatever they would normally do in a random bg.

All you can do really is try to communicate a strategy and be the best team player you can be.


Yeah, there are a few solid specs that can handle stealthy shenanigans, but the general consensus seems to be that the counterplay is incredibly unfun, and the shenanigans should be nerfed.

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It sounds like you’re wanting flag caps to take longer than any CC, making it impossible for any sort of node steal play. so anyone can set a base because people who can counter it now think it’s “unfun”.

Can you clarify please.

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Should take two people or extremely skillful play to cap a node, not just hitting two cc buttons.

Cloak of shadows should also prevent capping like bubble does. Why are certain specs playing an entirely different game than all the rest?

Most specs can do nothing to stop a rogue from free capping a node.

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Cloak can be hit with melee. bubble can’t be hit by anything.

they’re not?

there’s always at least 1pet class/ret in the game and you have just as much of a chance to have a rogue on your team as well for counter steals.

it does. it’s not easy when you have pet classes, or even other stealth classes “like a druid” sitting a base.

Either way, none of this clarifies what you want to happen.

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Shilling for bad design is bad

I also clarified what I want: longer cap times or nerfs to cc chains that are impossible to counter with many specs in the game

how is having different classes, with different capabilities “bad design”?
some classes are tanky and go spin a node for a long time making sure it’s not capped and the other team falls behind. Others can snipe from crazy distances, or knock off areas. Some have crazy mobility, or way to pull people far distances for insane kites. Not to mention some have spammable CC
 How is all that fine to you, but a stealth class “which can be countered as we’ve established” is just bad design?

So you do just want stealth play gone then? Deleting a class because you don’t know how to handle it, or it’s “unfun” to counter

I’m sorry, man
 this is starting to just sound like a QQ session.

Ok, look
 I can see you don’t have many games played, so you’re probably still just figuring things out
 give it time
 Rogues ninja’n nodes can be easy to counter
 and you’ll see that soon enough.

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I play stealthies, too. They give incentive for toxic gameplay, particularly in blitz, that is not an issue for rbg due to the short cap times.

Either buff trinket in blitz or make cap time normal.

Yeah any rogue with half a brain can solo cap vs anyone. Even hunters. Sap hunter cheap pet. Bomb the flag. Hunter trinkets. Blind hunter gouge pet. Boom. Capped. Can literally do this exact same thing vs any class.

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Four seconds it too short and massively favors cc heavy classes/specs.


It’s insanely easy against anything without a stun immunity

they could do an ‘av’ job on all the flags, 4 NPC’s guarding each flag that 2 shot players
but wait until you hear all the crying about that.

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It’s marketed as a fast paced game mode. The idea isn’t to have 30 min fights on WW in Gilneas, EOS, or any other map.

If you want the RBG cap timers play RBG

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Would have preferred if they made solo queue rbg have a blitz and normal bracket. Blitz maps are only better on temple and maybe silvershard due to increased spawn rates.

Funniest part about that is that stealthies still cap those flags - they just have to work for it a bit. I enjoy playing rogue, but rogue mains are a very whiny group when they can’t one shot or free cap.

Not a smart decision as it would further divide the brackets into more categories and negatively impact queue times. We don’t even have solo queue because there can be Duo groups. I honestly see that as a much larger problem than cap timers

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Oranges in the discussion of apples, but those oranges are indeed rotten and very much so the antithesis of a SOLO queue

I see it as worrying about a sun spot on the skin of someone with stage 4 lung cancer. Where Duo queue is the stage 4 cancer

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It is an absolute plague upon the game mode

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Or simply don’t give anyone CC abilities without a CD, and limit any CC to a maximum of 4 seconds. That should solve the problem once and for all.